Monday, January 13, 2025

Smoked Pork Chops With Sauerkraut, Bacon, Apples and Onions And First Fire

When Karen posted this recipe for Smoked Pork Chops With Sauerkraut, Bacon, Apples and Onions on her “Backroads Journal” blog, I knew I wanted to make it.  We like kraut and pork anyway, but Karen’s treatment of the kraut especially appealed to me.  I made it per the recipe except for mistakes.

Smoked Pork Chops With Sauerkraut, Bacon, Apples and Onions


1 qt. sauerkraut, drained

2-3 slices applewood smoked bacon, diced (Larry used Benton’s)

1 large onion, cut in half and then thinly sliced (Larry diced it by mistake)

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 Tbsp. flour

3 bay leaves

6 juniper berries, optional

8 peppercorns

1 c. chicken stock (Larry used our homemade)

1 c. wine, beer or apple cider (Larry used beer for a German dish)

1 apple, cored and cut into slices (Larry used Honey Crisp)

4 thick sliced smoked pork chops (labeled fully cooked) (Larry let come to room temp)


In a Dutch oven or a heavy pot with a tight-fitting lid (Larry used a 12” saute pan), cook the diced bacon over medium heat. Continue cooking until the bacon starts to crisp.  Remove bacon with a slotted spoon into a small bowl.

Add the onion and sauté until translucent.

Add the garlic and sauté for one minute.

Sprinkle the flour over the onions and stir well.

Add back the bacon and all the other ingredients except the apples and pork chops. Stir well, reduce heat to a simmer and cover. Cook 30 to 45 minutes until soft and creamy.

Add the apple slices and mix in to the sauerkraut.

Then brown the pork chops lightly in a large sauté pan with just a little butter. Cook for 1 minute on each side. Add the chops to the sauerkraut and cook until heated through, about 5 minutes.

Before serving, remove the whole bay leaves.

We served it with Pioneer Woman Creamy Mashed Potatoes.

The Verdict:

Well Karen, we all thought it was delicious, as evidenced by my plate, and it would have been just a little better if Food City had the refrigerated kraut.

In addition to the fine meal on this day, we built our first fire of the winter (tree still up) and played a game of cards, making for a really nice day.

Photos can be slightly enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


1/3/25meal date


  1. I've got to try this recipe. Everything about it sounds wonderful. I even have juniper berries.

  2. Pork and sauerkraut...A real New Years Day tradition in the MIdwest! Too bad it wasn't Frank's Kraut which began in Franksville, Wisconsin. :-)

  3. Hi Larry, Great looking meal. Never have tried those pre-cooked porkchops...very interesting. We haven't turned our fireplace on yet this season although Laurie wanted to a couple of times. It kicks out so much heat that it tends to throw off the thermostat for the main downstairs area. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. What a tasty meal! Cards by the fire sounds like the perfect kind of day to me.

  5. Should the 8 peppcorns be ground or used whole?


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