Friday, May 31, 2024

Slow Cooker Mojo Pork And Mississippi Mud Potatoes - Both Delicious

This is a very eclectic meal as the three dishes don’t necessarily go together but I wanted to make the pork and the potatoes, and Bev decided we needed something green so she added slaw.

I love pulled pork, Mojo Sauce is one of my favorite parts of a Cuban sandwich and I love my slow cooker so when Claudia posted the recipe for Slow Cooker Mojo Pork on her “What’s Cooking Italian” blog, I was all in.  Then I decided that with no gluten and having it cook while we do happy hour, it would be perfect for Friday cards.  Bev ended up with an 8¾ lb. pork butt so I doubled the marinade ingredients, I changed some of the ingredients a little, and made it as a pulled vs. sliced pork dish but the original recipe plus Claudia’s pics can be found by clicking on the above link.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Fun Tennessee Travelers Pensacola RV Rally Day 2 - Dolphins, Blue Angels and The Grand Marlin

Finally something besides food to post about.

For this second day of the rally (not much happened on day 1), a visit to the Pensacola Naval Air Station was planned including a tour of the Naval Air Museum and watching the Blue Angels practice but the whole thing fell through when the base was closed to visitors.  So, for a fill in activity, we went on a two-hour dolphin cruise on Pensacola Bay. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Prosciutto & Cheddar Scrambled Eggs & Latkes And Not Exactly Oklahoma Onion Burgers

Have you wondered why I'm including two dishes on most posts - even by doing this I already have posts lined up thru Jun 16.  I could post more often but like the three day interval.

I’m getting toward the end of my series on scrambled eggs (2 more) using recipes from the “The Taste Of Home’s” 30 New Ways To Eat Scrambled Eggs and now is a good time for this one as we have some country ham on hand.  Prosciutto is basically country ham (in Italian) that has been cured for a longer period (a year or so) than our normal country ham and it is normally sliced very thin.  For this meal, I used the recipe for Prosciutto & Cheddar Breakfast Biscuits from Taste Of Home, as the previous dishes have been but I omitted the biscuits.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Delicious Loaded BBQ Pork Potato Casserole For RV Rally Arrival

We recently attended a rally for our RV travel club (even though we stayed in a motel) in Pensacola, FL and a pot luck supper was on tap for the arrival day meal.  Since we would be driving down in the car and arriving shortly before the meal, I planned our contribution to be something I could make at home and heat up after we got to the rally.  The dish I chose was Loaded BBQ Pork Potato Casserole from the “Mom On Time Out” blog and I followed the recipe as shown below.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Outstanding Salsa & Avocado Scrambled Egg Sandwiches And Toby Keith

This post was supposed to come out around Apr 25 but somehow, I totally forgot it - perhaps I was excited because Bev had just gotten home from St. Maarten. 

I was going to take a short break from scrambles until I had a dozen eggs in a supermarket plastic bag that fell out of the car when I opened the door.  I ended up with four undamaged, two slightly cracked, and six broken, so just enough for two scrambles and I picked recipes that included my avocados that needed to be eaten.  The scrambles are still coming from “The Taste Of Home’s” 30 New Ways To Eat Scrambled Eggs.  The first recipe is Salsa & Scrambled Egg Sandwiches  and I adjusted it down for two servings and I added no salsa to the eggs fearing it would make them watery.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

My Kitchen Pots and Pans And Romeo

Boy, have we been hoo-dood into thinking we need to spend a lot of money on pans to make good meals at home.  Many, many years ago, Bev & I were considering what pans to buy for the kitchen in our new home and we had the opportunity to attend a cooking demonstration put on by the restaurant chef where we were staying on vacation.  After the demonstration we asked him what kind of pans he uses and his answer surprised me – “whatever the restaurant furnishes”. 

This is a set of All-Clad and note the copper disk in the bottom to insure even heat distribution - $1299 on Amazon.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Scrambled Eggs With Goat Cheese And Potato Pancakes

Our neighbor, Steve, got this shot of the Northern Lights last week.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Potato Skins For Friday Cards

I have always enjoyed potato skins and would have thought I'd made them before but if so, I can’t remember it and there is no post on my blog, so this may well be my maiden voyage.  I’ve been wanting to make them for a while so rather than cook a meal for our Friday card night, I asked everyone to bring an appetizer and I made potato skins using the recipe for Baked Potato Skins from the “Small Town Woman” blog.  I increased the amounts by 50% to get the recipe below but you can see the original plus pics by clicking on the link.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Delicious East Hampton Clam Chowder – Ina Garten

It’s been a long time since we’ve made this soup but while organizing the pantry recently, I discovered several cans of clams that had been on hand for awhile so I decided it was time to make it again.  I had planned a different meal for this day as Bev’s birthday meal but when Eliza called to wish her Meme a happy birthday, she also invited herself down so I switched to the much easier chowder for the meal, plus it was a fifties overcast day so still pretty good for soup.  This is the Ina Garten’s recipe and I followed the recipe for 6-8 servings.  I sure prefer recipes that use measurable amounts (I used one onion, 7 celery stalks, and 5 carrots) plus I chopped my veggies smaller than she did on her video – larger makes for a better presentation but smaller is easier to eat.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Avocado Scrambled Eggs & Bevs BD Meal - A Few Days Late

 We have had some really good scrambles from 30 New Ways To Eat Scrambled Eggs from "Taste Of Home" and the latest dish is simply called Avocado Scrambled Eggs and I adjusted the recipe down from four to two servings.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Random Stuff, Some Nature, Some RV & Women’s Hair

If you like fast food breakfast biscuits and don’t pass by the restaurants very often just buy a dozen of your favorite biscuits (Hardees, McDonalds, Bojangles, etc.), freeze them individually and store in a bag in the freezer.  Then, when you need a biscuit sandwich fix you are ready as I was with this meal.  I had ham, Swiss cheese, and egg on hand to make this one.  I just nuked the biscuit a little to warm it then the cheese and ham then cooked the egg.