Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Delicious Steak Hash From Leftovers

We started MLK day with a temperature of 12F, which is cold for here, so I built a fire and puttered around doing odd jobs and watching recorded shows on TV (mostly DDD) as there was nothing on regular TV that I was interested in watching.  But I had a plan for breakfast.

We had some leftover filet and ribeye steak from a recent supper meal and I did an online search for ways to use leftover steak and came across the recipe for Steak And Eggs Hash on the “Heavenly Home Cooking” blog and quickly decided hash was my best option for the meat.

Steak Hash - Adapted from Heavenly Home Cooking


2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (or oil and bacon fat)

2 med. Yukon Gold potatoes, cubed

1 large bell pepper chopped

½ large onion, sliced

1½ teaspoon smoked paprika (I forgot it)

Tiger Seasoning to taste

kosher salt to season the steak

1 lb. leftover steak

2 cups sliced white mushrooms


Cut the steak into ½” cubes, cover with plastic wrap, and put in a 125F oven for about 30 minutes.

Add the potatoes, onions, and peppers to a 12” non stick skillet, season with S&P and Tiger and cover with a lid to steam them to nearly done.

Remove the lid from the potatoes and when they are brown and cooked thru, stir in the steak and cook for a couple of minutes to marry the flavors.

Meanwhile, cook eggs using your preferred method.

Plate the hash and top with eggs – or not for Bev.

The Verdict:

It was delicious and the steak cubes were still pink in the middle.  Great way to use the leftovers and we have enough for another meal.  While I was eating mine, they were making steak empanadas on DDD which would have been another good use of the leftover steak.

I finished the day watching the NCAA football championship game and while I’ve never been a fan of Ohio State (or Notre Dame), after watching the various playoff games, I have to say the best team in college football won the National Championship.  Unfortunately, since TV took over sports, a game is hours of commercials, briefly interrupted by a little football.

Photos can be slightly enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


1/20/25meal date


  1. Everything sounded so good til I saw the egg picture. I am so not an egg person. 😜 but if i could make an omelet out of it, this would be so good. So I'm keeping the recipe so when the price of eggs comes down. I can try it out.

  2. Hi Larry, My hash would be a few ingredients less...using lots of pepper, onion powder and garlic powder...but I do love hash for breakfast. As for the football game, being a Michigan State alumnus, both Ohio State and Notre Dame are the 'enemy'. Of course MSU hasn't had a great team in years. Despite the rivalries, I was happy that Ohio State put the hurt on Notre Dame. ND will never be forgiven for the time they played it safe when playing MSU for the championship, going for a tie rather than trying to win the game outright. We also don't like ND because my former CEO used to make us go to the games... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  3. Larry, Brrr to 12 F. That's COLD. Here in North Florida we had 4" of snow, can you believe it? It was crazy. More crazy it stayed on the ground for almost a week!
    Love how you used the leftover steak. perfect for breakfast.

  4. BEST use of leftover steak in my opinion! Delicious!


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