Sunday, January 19, 2025

Misc. Breakfast Meals From Holiday Leftovers

Cindy brought me the leftovers from her New Years Day breakfast trip to First Watch so I could add an egg to them.  The restaurant meal was an Italian Hash Brown Skillet and it looked tasty.

I nuked the hash and topped with a couple of sunny-side up eggs, one of which I broke but it didn’t matter when I cut it all up together for a delicious way to start my day and I would definitely order it at the restaurant.

We still had leftover Hoppin John’s from New Years and I decided to try a one dish meal so I shaped the Hoppin John’s into a ring, cracked an egg into the center and nuked it for two minutes after which the egg white was still jiggly.  So I nuked it for 30 more seconds and everything was hard so next time I’ll cook it in ten second increments.

We also had leftover mashed potatoes and Kraut from the Smoked Pork Chops With Sauerkraut, Bacon, Apples and Onions meal and I turned them into a simple breakfast.  I’ve always like kraut on mashed potatoes so I decided to give just that a try with this souped-up kraut by just nuking it.  

I thought it was totally delicious so you know the next time I had to try it with an egg.

Upside Down Cottage Pie

Cottage Pie is basically beef stew (less the potatoes) with mashed potatoes on top and the upside down version is mashed potatoes topped with beef stew and as it turns out we had both as leftovers in the fridge.  Bev had eaten it for supper and said it was delicious so you know I had to try it for breakfast and, of course, top it with an egg.

I considered a poached egg but it’s just to easy to fry one – crack egg into a skillet, cover with lid, cook and slide onto a plate – no water to boil, no vinegar to add, no vortex to make, no ramekin or slotted spoon to dirty – and while I like the look of poached, fried is much quicker.

It was very good but I'm not sure the egg added much too it except maybe a little creaminess.

Photos can be slightly enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


1/4–1/7/25meal date


  1. Dear Breakfast King: This all looks fabulous. We had left over pork/sauerkraut/mashed potatoes from New Year's Day. Wish I would have thought to add an egg the next morning. I agree about poaching eggs. It's just so easy to fry them.

  2. Everything is better with a yolky egg on top. They all look terrific.

  3. Hi Larry, I surrender!!! You are the master of leftovers reconfigured into breakfast. You have more imagination or perhaps nerve than I do. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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