Saturday, October 19, 2024

Random Food And More Bionic Me

We interrupt our trip to the Midwest for some other stuff.

We made some old-fashioned salmon cakes recently for supper using canned salmon and we had a leftover that I turned into a breakfast omelet.  I chopped it up and reheated it in butter and when it was hot, I moved it to one side of the pan and poured two beaten eggs over it and the rest of the pan.  I added shredded cheddar to the non-salmon side of the pan, covered, and cooked until the eggs were set.  I slid it out of the pan folding it into omelet shape as I did and topped with a dollop of dill aioli to get this delicious breakfast.

Hearing Aids

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you probably know I have had both knees and hips replaced and now I’m working on the upper half of my body.  For some time now, “huh” has been the most used word in my vocabulary so I finally got some hearing aids from Costco.  They are Rexton and they cost 30% of what my ENT doctor wanted to charge.  I can’t believe the difference in my hearing and now I wonder why I waited so long.  I had the TV sound level on 13 or 14 before and now I can hear it well on 7 even with others talking in the background and I’m hearing sounds that I didn’t know existed before.  The part of the hearing aid behind my ear is small, flesh colored, and hard to see with my glasses on and the part in my ear fits comfortably.  Now we have Cindy moving on getting some (her hearing is the worst) so we will all be able to hear.

Alabama Scramble

We had some okra and green tomatoes that needed to be used and my go-to recipe for this situation is Alabama Scramble which contains okra, green tomatoes, potatoes and onions.  For this batch, the okra was breaded in a flour/cornmeal mix, the green tomatoes in flour and nothing on the potatoes or onion.  To cook, I added the potatoes to the skillet with a lid and cooked them about 10 minutes.  Then I added everything else and cooked to brown and crispy.  It was delicious as always.


And finally, while I got my hearing aids fitted and calibrated, Bev shopped at Costco and bought a bag of this.

WARNING: Do not buy it unless you have incredible will power or need to gain weight as it may be the best popcorn ever.

Photos can be slightly enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


10/13 & 10/14/24 event/meal dates


  1. Congrats on those hearing aids. That breakfast scramble looks very good. Love the addition of okra. I made gumbo recently and one of my guests, who is 14, held up a piece on his fork and said "what is this??????" RE: omelette: it looks like a perfect omelette, but you know me and seafood for breakfast. RE: popcorn. Popcorn is my snack of choice, so I know I'd love this. But I'm surprised you do ... there's sweet involved. :-)

  2. Love the idea of all us being able to hear especially when we’re in the kitchen and living room. It’s going to be great.

  3. Hi Larry, You do like your omelets! In my case I'd use the salmon patties/cakes and the aioli but I'd just top the salmon with an over easy egg. I generally don't care for (but will eat) omelets... The exception is a gyros and feta cheese omelet! As for that popcorn, it wouldn't last through the first quarter of any football game...and we'd feel guilty later...but then decide it was really health food! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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