Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Little Roundabout Trip To Nebraska, Day 5, Rugby

The next day was spent in the Rugby area where we accomplished the reason for coming here, which was to see our little 68 acre piece of land that we bought several years ago (it's a long story) but have never seen.  It turned out to be about 45 miles south of town and in the middle of nowhere.  We had pretty good directions but still got lost and happened to stop at a home to ask for directions and it turned out this guy had sold the land to the person we bought it from (what are the chances) so he knew exactly how to get there.  Here are pics of the land and the road it’s on starting from the top of the road and shooting east.  In the distance you can see the pond (called sloughs here) and they are everywhere and at some point they are big enough to be called a lake and they are often dry.

This is the field across the road and the road which ends at the RR track.  This looks like most of the roads in North Dakota.

We got to see still more farming and, in this area, the flat and slightly rolling land are used for crops, growing mainly wheat and soybeans and to a lesser extent corn and sunflowers.

Harvesting soybeans.

Sunflowers not quite ready.

The more rolling land is in grass for hay and the unfarmable land was used for cattle grazing.

We also took a few pics in Rugby beginning with downtown.

It would be easy to give visitors directions to this house.

And you know farming is serious business here based upon the size of the grain elevator.

That night for supper, we went to Rancho Grande for Mexican food at the highest rated restaurant in town but I took no pics.

All-in-all, a fun little visit to upper middle America.

Photos can be slightly enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


10/1/24 event date


  1. I'm confused. Do you own this land?

  2. Well looks like a nice purchased, nice and flat.
    Maybe a future campground ⛺️. You know what they say… built it and they will come.


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