Sunday, July 7, 2024

Mediterranean Naan Pizza and I’m An Old Wuss

Let’s deal with the second part of the title first.  We had planned a little hot dog cookout on the dock for Independence Day.  But when I saw the weather forecast predicting 96F (actual was 97F and thank heaven for A/C), I suggested we celebrate on July 5 when it would be overcast and 88F.  Even though it’s cooler down at the lake and we have great ceiling fans, I didn’t want to eat down there that bad.  So, we opted to cook a summertime meal in the air conditioned kitchen.  The highlight of the day was when friend and house cleaner, Karen, showed up to work on the holiday.

I think she has a unique outfit for about every holiday.

Now for the first part of the blog title.  I had some Naan in the fridge that needed to be used and my plan was to make it into pulled pork pizzas but Bev said she’d like to use it similar to the open-faced sandwiches I’d made recently but didn’t blog about.

So I decided to make one of each.

Mediterranean Naan Pizza


1 piece of Naan, room temperature

10 grape tomatoes, halved

6 kalamata olives, quartered

6 Castelvetrano olives, quartered

6 black olives, quartered

6 small artichoke hearts, quartered (we like these)

¼ cup chopped sweet onion

Marinated mozzarella balls (because they were in the fridge)

Homemade pesto (because we had leftovers)


Brush a coat of pesto on the Naan.

Evenly distribute the olive mixture over the bread.

Quarter or halve the mozzarella balls and add atop the olives.

(Forgot the uncooked pic)

Put the pizza in a toaster oven on the middle shelf and run it thru 10 minutes on the toast cycle.

Turn the broiler on high if needed to further melt the cheese.

Pulled Pork Naan Pizza


1 piece of Naan

1 cup of pulled pork

BBQ sauce to taste

¼ chopped sweet onion

Shredded cheddar to cover pizza


Spread the BBQ sauce on the Naan.

Evenly distribute the pork over the sauce.

Top with the chopped onion and cheese.

Put the pizza in a toaster oven on the middle shelf and run it thru 10 minutes on the toast cycle. 

Turn the broiler on high if needed to further melt the cheese.

The Verdict:

I like using naan like this as it makes this an easy meal.  They were both very good but I preferred the Mediterranean version (we are big olive fans) and while the pesto wasn’t the original plan (just olive oil), it will be on the next one.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


7/4/24 meal date


  1. I love naan pizzas too. Both look delicious!

  2. I never think about naan for pizza, even though I used to make naan pizzas years ago. Thanks for the reminder, looks delish.

  3. and btw - Karen's "get-up" is priceless. Love it.


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