Thursday, July 25, 2024

Awesome French Toast Bananas Foster And Hot Dogs

Well, it was the last day for the visit from the grandkids and their friends and we decided to send them off with a breakfast special.  They all like French toast, they all like bananas, and Bev has been eager to make Bananas Foster so we decided to marry the two.  I modified the French toast recipe from Ina Garten and increased it by 50%.

Challah French ToastAdapted from Ina Garten


9 jumbo eggs

2¼ cups milk

¼ tsp. orange extract

¾ teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1½ tablespoon good honey

¾ teaspoon kosher salt

1 loaf Natures Own Thick Sliced Brioche Bread


In a large bowl, whisk everything but the bread then pour it into a half sheet pan.

Soak eight slices in the egg mixture for 3 minutes per side.

Brush butter on the griddle over medium heat to cook all eight slices. 

Add the soaked bread and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until nicely browned. Cut in half (if desired) and serve.

The Bananas Foster Topping recipe comes from All Recipes and I doubled it to get the one below.

Bananas Foster Topping


½ cup butter

1 1/3 cup dark brown sugar

7 tablespoons rum

1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

6 bananas, peeled and sliced lengthwise and crosswise


Melt butter in a large, deep skillet over medium heat. Stir in brown sugar, rum, vanilla, and cinnamon; bring to a low boil.

Place bananas in the pan and cook until they have softened, 1 to 2 minutes.

To Serve:

Plate the toast and add the Bananas Foster topping, chopped pecans (optional) to taste, and whipped cream to taste.

The Verdict:

The kids thought it was outstanding and the Bananas Foster made for a great topping (way to go Beverly) and the brioche bread was perfect with its thicker slices and slight sweetness.  The only negative was the chopped pecans that I forgot to sprinkle on top.

Hot Dogs

I had these pics from our Independence Day meal that I just had to post as I used my new wiener grilling method and we did an Oscar Meyer vs. Ball Park wiener taste test.

I preferred the Ballpark.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


7/22/24 meal date


  1. I love that French Toast recipe. I've never made Bananas Foster because I'm too afraid to flambe. I'm assuming most of the alcohol cooked off? And are those Coney Island Dogs? I have a good recipe for the sauce and you've reminded me I haven't made them this year.

  2. AMAZING! Bookmarked because my kids would love the bananas foster French toast. Guess who now wants a chili dog for lunch? YUM!

  3. Great post Larry, I’ll be looking forward to making the French toast & of course the banana foster. Looks SO good!!!

  4. Hi Larry, That French Toast looks amazing! I'll have to find that bread in the market as it looks great on its own. Love hot dogs with chili sauce...a Michigan thing for sure. Why didn't I think about splitting them before grilling them?! Duhhh... Klements Hot Dogs crush all other hot dogs...but Ball Park would be my favorite among the usual brands. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. What a decadent and delicious way to start the day. Karen


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