Wednesday, February 26, 2025

An Omelet From The Fridge

We had some mushrooms and deli turkey in the fridge that needed to be used so Bev suggested an omelet, which I’m always up for.  Rather than make two omelets, we just made one large one then shared it.  Bev did the prep and didn't measure the ingredients which is why it says "more or less."

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Oxtails And Mashed Potatoes

During a recent freezer dive, I discovered a pkg of oxtails in gravy and decided it would be perfect comfort food for a cold Friday get-together meal.  I nuked the meat and gravy then served it over mashed potatoes and sided with green beans.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Some random meals – Cindy Salmon, Shrimp Omelet, And Pinto Beans

Cindy Salmon

Cindy made a very good Salmon dish recently and I didn’t do a post about it as it required typing in the entire recipe.  The recipe for Salmon With Creamed Spinach & Parmesan Sauce came from Tieghan Gerard in an unknown magazine and it was very good.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I Really Appreciate You And Major Beef broth Making

Unlike many bloggers who have thousands of readers and scads on commenters, a really big day for me is 200 reads and seven comments and I want to thank all of you for taking the time to read my ramblings and I love getting your comments.

Our cattle raising neighbor recently had one processed for them and I requested some of the bones that normally get tossed so I could make some beef broth.  As it turned out we had a little miscommunication and I ended up with at least a cows worth of bones already frozen in six 14”x14”x12” boxes weighing at least 40 lbs. each.  Another neighbor agreed to take two boxes but I still had four to deal with.  Normally I make a batch of broth using our 16 qt. pan and that makes all we want for a year.  So I could put one box in the freezer and I removed the thawed bones from the top of three boxes for broth and put the bags in the freezer.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Patio Italian Restaurant

Once again this year, I gave our friend, Kathy, some free lunches as her Christmas present and this was our first chance to do one.  We opted to go to the Patio Italian Restaurant in Madisonville, Tn and we always try to go when it won’t be crowded.  The last time in Feb 2024, we went around 11:30am and discovered that many others had the same crowd-beating idea so we had to wait for a table but this time we got there about 1:15pm and had our choice of many empty tables. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Jumbo Shells Stuffed With Lemon Ricotta Filling

We’ve had a box of jumbo pasta shells for I don’t know how long and I’ve looked at many recipes to use them.  Then along came the recipe for Easy Lemon Ricotta Stuffed Shells With Marinara Sauce from Velva on her “Evening With A Sandwich” blog and I decided it would be perfect for Friday now that buddy Joe has found he can eat gluten.  I followed her recipe except for the hot honey and I made a couple of minor changes.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Sicilian-Style Swordfish For Supper And Breakfast

I posted about this dish four years ago and had it not been for a different cooking method, I wouldn’t have posted this time.  We remodeled our kitchen close to 20 years ago and we put in a new technology microwave called a GE Monogram with Advantium Technology and I’ve always liked it even though we didn’t maximize it’s potential.  So, when it came time for a new one, we again went with the GE Monogram except now it’s called a 5 in 1 oven  and our goal is to make more use of the oven and not use it only as a microwave.