Saturday, March 1, 2025

A New Water System For Our Home

We have enjoyed great success from our water well for the past 30+ years however, the water is hard, and recently it had an off-taste (vs. the usual no taste) and we’re getting a build up on the coffee maker.  So, it was obvious that the old EcoWater System softener had ceased to function properly.  After researching it, I opted to go with a locally owned business in Lenoir City called Aqua Clear.  We knew we needed a particulate filter and softener and since we were a little concerned about bacteria in the future, we also got a UV system to kill any potential.  And while we were at it, we decided to go whole-hog and add a reverse osmosis filter (RO) under the sink for our drinking water.  This is the main system that was beautifully installed.

This is the RO system and it took up a whole cabinet side.

Since the RO filter is very slow, a three-gallon storage tank is required to furnish the water as needed.

The beauty was that it forced us to clean out the un-needed stuff under the sink.

Hopefully these systems will ensure great water for the rest of our lives and now it’s time to clean up the coffee maker.

Photos can be slightly enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


2/25/25 event date