Monday, July 1, 2024

It’s Tomato Season – Biscuit BLT, Mini Pies, Kennedy Quiche, Tomato Pie

We are trying to take advantage of our ability to buy real vine ripened (not picked partially green), local tomatoes and after many, many taste tests over the years of growing tomatoes, we try to get Cherokee Purples when we can.  

Following are four breakfast meals with tomatoes as a key ingredient.

Bev wanted a BLT but we had no bread on hand so she opted for the Bojangles biscuits we had in the freezer.  The biscuits were nuked just a little to get warm then the top got a slather of mayo.  To build it was bacon, tomato, and lettuce and I sided mine with some more tomato and cottage cheese.

A BLT on bread is always delicious but using the biscuit kicked it up a notch for me.

Next up were tomato mini-pies which we first made in 2012 using the recipe from Roseville B&B ( in Texas – we have made them several times but it’s been a while.  The recipe calls for making them in a dish, but we like to make them as standalones.  Rather than reproduce the recipe, you can just click on the link to get it. The first pic is our initial version from 2012 and the second pic is of a stand alone version.

But for this meal, I changed it quite a bit starting with using a biscuit opened into two pieces and since I had pimento cheese on hand, I used it rather than mixing mayo and shredded cheese.  Finally, since the biscuit was already cooked, I nuked it for a minute and a half rather than bake it.

I 'd have to eat them side by side for comparison but I can't imagine the usual version being any better than this quick and easy version.

The next meal was another summer favorite of ours.  I think we got the recipe for Kennedy Quiche ( from the newspaper many years ago and it was reported to be a favorite of the President.  We first made it in 2010 and have since made it as both a quiche and a frittata like this.

This is the version for this meal using a pie crust that we had in the freezer.

Once again, it was delicious and melt-in-your-mouth light.  We had way too much filling for the std. 9" pie crust so I just baked the leftovers the next morning as a rectangular frittata.

And the final meal for this post is a tomato pie using a modified version of the recipe for Best Tomato Pie from the "Simply Recipes" blog to which I added some bacon and Salad Supreme and forgot the onions. I baked it for an hour and rested a few minutes before cutting.

The Verdict:

It was delicious but, in spite of the steps I took to reduce the liquid amount, it was watery and the bottom crust turned to mush so it did not come out of the pan like a piece of pie so I'm changing the name to Tomato Casserole and the pics then look okay.  Obviously, I did something differently than Elise as hers looked like this. 

but mine was perhaps too full or maybe the top should not have been sealed by the mayo so the steam could escape or maybe I should have baked the tomatoes first.  Advice from you experts would be appreciated but at any rate, we have many other tomato dishes we really like.

As expected from previous experiences the first three dishes were all delicious and if you like tomatoes, I’m sure you will love them all.  Now it's back to the farmers market to get some more tomatoes to supplement those we are now harvesting.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


6/16 - /24 meal date


  1. What a wonderful roundup of fantastic recipes!!

  2. Yay for tomato season. Everything looks incredible. We celebrate our first tomato by making a BLT.


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