Sunday, June 16, 2024

Madison (Granddaughter) Comes For A Visit – Post 2

Even though it was cool and rainy during their visit, Madison and boyfriend, Zach, managed to get in some jet ski riding, a couple of walks around the area, and some time with her Meme.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Madison (Granddaughter) Comes For A Visit

If you’ve read my blog for a while, you likely recall that Madison lived with us for a few years spread over two visits but she hasn’t been here in quite a while so we were excited when she arranged a visit with her boyfriend Zach.  Since she had several food requests, it appears this was primarily a culinary visit and of course we were happy to oblige.  The only challenge was that Zach is gluten intolerant but we are used to cooking for good buddy Joe who has the same issue.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Our Joe Patti’s Seafood Haul

One of the reasons we did not want to miss the Pensacola RV rally was so we could go to Joe Patti’s Seafood and buy good, fresh fish at wholesale prices ($9.99/lb. for 16-20 size shrimp for example).  We’ve had this large 20 gallon cooler for many years and have only used it a time or two but it was perfect for this use.  

Thursday, June 6, 2024

My Poached Eggs Education and Country-Style Scrambled Eggs

Maybe you didn't know this but I eat a lot of fried eggs for breakfast and very few poached ones – don’t worry, I’m not starting a series on poached eggs.  I don’t do poached eggs very often for a few reasons:

1. They take longer while waiting for the water to boil.

2. I don’t like losing the egg that turns into the wispy whites.

3. I haven’t had much luck cooking them correctly and without sticking.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Special Tennessee Travelers Pensacola RV Rally Day 3 – Cookout, Tree House, & Celebration

On day three of the rally, we were invited over to our Rally Master’s (Barb & Bill) home for a cookout and visit to their treehouse (nice to have members who live in Pensacola).  The tree house is hanging from the branches with only one bolt in the tree and it has already survived a couple of hurricanes.