Monday, June 3, 2024

Special Tennessee Travelers Pensacola RV Rally Day 3 – Cookout, Tree House, & Celebration

On day three of the rally, we were invited over to our Rally Master’s (Barb & Bill) home for a cookout and visit to their treehouse (nice to have members who live in Pensacola).  The tree house is hanging from the branches with only one bolt in the tree and it has already survived a couple of hurricanes.

After a tasty lunch of burgers and fixins, an officer from the FMCA presented us with a certificate signifying our 20 years in existence.

And we had a fancy dessert to cap off the meal.

Our group at the treehouse.

A friend of Bill’s brought over his very unique looking Tesla Cybertruck for the group to have a look at and, not surprisingly, 1000hp Tesla Model S owner and gadget guy, Bill, has one on order.

Our hosts provided us with a very special day for this celebration event and it's always a joy to visit their home - they even have two RV sites with full hook-ups.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


5/7/24 event date


  1. Very unique, reminds me of the Back to the Future car somehow. Going to google the price just for fun. Love your blog Larry. Dee

  2. What a fun day! I want to go to that treehouse!!!

  3. Someone in our town owns a Tesla Cybertruck and we were driving next to it the other day, I personally think it is ugly, almost homemade. Karen


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