Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Collection Of Tasty Meals – Asparagus And Eggs, Creamy Garlic Chicken, Hot Dogs

Many people love asparagus wrapped in prosciutto and baked so I decided to adopt the recipe for breakfast using what we had on hand.  While we enjoy asparagus baked, sauteed, and grilled, I prefer it steamed so it stays nice and plump – the other methods cook the water out.  We had some from-our-garden asparagus in the fridge along with some eggs and country ham – prosciutto is just Italian country ham that has been aged longer and usually sliced thin.

So I steamed the asparagus, chopped and sauteed the ham, and poached some eggs to get this delicious breakfast which Bev called five star. 5/21/24

Creamy Garlic Chicken

When I saw this recipe for Creamy Garlic Chicken ( on his ask Chef Dennis Blog, I knew I had to make it and we all loved it.  Since we had just had pasta and I didn’t want rice, I just boiled some potatoes for mashing on our plates.  We all thought it was delicious as was the broccoli casserole.

Hot Dogs

Bev decided she was ready for a hot dog fix and I had read about Klements Wieners of Chicago and wanted to do a taste test so a meal plan was born.  The Klements are sold in bulk at higher end stores like Fresh Market and we paired them with some smaller Nathan’s Wieners from Coney Island, NY.

For the taste test, I nuked one of each wiener to warm it and we tried a bite like that - the Klements is the fatter of the two.  We all thought they were both pretty salty with the Klements being the saltier.

Rather than grill them, I opted to pan fry them but I split them first and added cheese after flipping.

In lieu of a bun, I put one of each wiener on a slice of homemade sourdough bread so I could eat it open faced with more toppings than in a bun (I love our hot dog sauce).

For eating on a bun, I prefer a thinner and bun length wiener (weenie from my childhood) and since these two were saltier than I like (hard to believe), I think we’ll try Oscar Meyer Bun Length Franks.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.



  1. The poached eggs with asparagus has me drooling! Both the pork dinner & the chili dog look really tasty too.

  2. Those are all wonderful for summer meals and delicious flavors!


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