
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Flowers - 2012

Thanks to our irrigation system that pumps water from the lake, our plants are not suffering from the drought like so much around us – corn crops are turning brown.  Here are a few shots of Bev’s gardens that are in full summer swing.

We feed the birds sunflower seeds and since I sometimes allow the feeders to go empty, they have taken it upon themselves to sow several around the property, for my lapses, and they are now hanging upside down on them for the harvest – I didn’t have a long enough lens to get a shot of them.

Bev's been picking on this blueberry for a few days now and it's still loaded.
All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them. 

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

One year ago:  Grandkids At The Cove



  1. So nice to know the drought hasn't affected your pretty garden Larry. Bless that lake for more than it's beauty.

    We were in a little road-side produce store yesterday and were told one of the farmers said you won't have to cook his green beans because with the heat, they have roasted on the vine.

  2. I wish it would rain for a week. Beautiful gardens Larry and Bev.

  3. I'm so glad to see that the drought has not affected your beautiful gardens, Larry! I'm so envious.. I long for a yard that looks even half that lovely!

  4. You and Bev both have green thumbs...your gardens are wonderful.

  5. Oh Larry - I am so jealous! Your gardens are beautiful. The blueberry bush is amazing too. Can't wait to see what you make with them!

  6. You are lucky to have that great lake irrigation system. We are watering our flowers/plants --but the grass is brown... We did get a tiny bit of rain on Monday night---but not nearly enough. Now it's back to the HEAT and DRY... Yuk..

    Beautiful garden --including the sunflowers.

  7. Beautiful gardens! Glad you are able to pump water from the lake.

  8. Larry, The pictures are nice but a mere photo can't do justice to the many beautiful flowers in your garden! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave & Laurie

  9. What a gorgeous flower garden! I love how well-groomed it is! I need to get some of those gold black-eyed Susans that seem to beat the heat better than other flowers. I can't get over that huge blueberry bush! Like Sam said above, the green beans are literally cooking on the vine down here too! Total mush! What a great idea to pump water out of the lake!

  10. Water from the lake!!!! Now that's a smart idea! No wonder your yard looks so great.


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