
Friday, July 6, 2012

The Annual Roden Visit – 2012

Kathy (daughter) and her three girls were in for their annual visit from San Antonio and this was an opportunity for Eric (son) and his two kids to visit with them as well, so they came down from Baltimore.  The grandkids like to play in the lake and go on a picnic to Cades Cove in the Smokies.

Bev had bought them tickets to an amusement place in Pigeon Forge and while they were doing that, we got things ready and headed for the picnic area.  This is our picnic site prior to their arrival – it’s my favorite one.

Our meal consisted of the usual hamburgers and potatoes fried in a cast iron pot along with hot dogs, baked beans, and sliced veggies - potatoes still need to brown a little.

These are half slices from our first “Persimmon” slicing tomato.

This is my plate and I went with a patty melt.

Before and after the meal, there was the usual playing in the creek.

It was another successful visit to “The Cove.”  Then there's always the playing at the lake time and Bev dressed in my favorite outfit.
All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

One year ago:  Grandkids At The Lake


6/28/12  event date


  1. That looks like so much fun.. and so much good food. I like the simple foods... burgers, dogs.. you gotta have those when you are camping!
    And I can see why that is your favorite outfit... she looks fantastic in that dress!!

  2. Ahh what a great time! I love the cousins all playing together. It must have been a wonderful adventure. Haven't been to Cades Cove in years!

  3. Larry, It looks like everyone had a terrific time! Laurie and I have been here for 3 Springs now and we have yet to figure out the timing and make it into the mountains to see the rododendrums in bloom! Maybe next year... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. those fun shots of playing in the creek reminds me of my youth and back home as we had a couple of creeks running through our farm and often held picnics by the larger 'water holes' ... looks like all had a good time and the food I know was just as great

  5. Your children and grandchildren must enjoy their visits with the two of you. I know I would like the day you just shared with them.

  6. I'm glad your entire family had a good time at the Cove. I'm just glad you weren't there during yesterday's storm.

  7. That is the spot right across the creek from the campground, right? I have pics of Trevor playing there for the past 5 years, great place!

  8. What a picnic! Looks like a delicious meal and fun for all. It is great that the whole family is able to get together. The grandchildren will have so many stories to share.

  9. Looks like the kids were having a ball & Bev looks beautiful!!


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