
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Man Does Not Live By Eggs Alone

Sometimes, potatoes are required.  I’ve said this before, but when I was a kid, one of my favorite lunchtime meals was fried potatoes and onions, where the raw ingredients went into the skillet together and by the time the potatoes were done, the onions were well caramelized.  To this day, I rarely allow an opportunity go by to use these ingredients, like this meal for example.

For Christmas dinner, Bev had made twice baked potatoes, but had baked two that did not get made up and I discovered four green onions languishing in the same fridge drawer.  I cut the potatoes into large cubes, so they’d stay together, diced the onions, and added the potatoes and onion bottoms to a hot pan.  When they were about done, I added most of the onion tops and cooked until they were soft.

It the meantime, I cooked two over-easy eggs and topped the potatoes with them, along with a few raw green onion tops.

I’d tell you it was delicious, but you already knew that.  I'm going to have to be careful or this blog will morph into one of just breakfasts meals from leftovers. 

David Made Me Do It
There is a dish out there called eggs in purgatory that is basically eggs cooked in tomato sauce and served over pasta, mashed potatoes, etc. (photo from the web).

One site I looked at it says “If you have never paired up eggs and tomato sauce, you do not know what you are missing!”

If you read my Greek Pasta post on Jan 8, there was this comment from good friend Dave - “Larry, I must admit that your latest breakfast creation is beyond imagination! What's next... a couple of eggs over spaghetti and meatballs ?......”  Here it is Dave – leftover homemade pasta and meatballs (all chopped some) in a dish with an egg in a well.

Although it did add a little creaminess, this was probably a waste of an egg as the other flavors pretty well overwhelmed it – but you never know till you try.

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


01/04/2012 & 01/08/2012 meal dates


  1. My mom used to make fried potatoes a lot when I was growing up. She thin sliced them into hot Crisco. omg they were so good. RE eggs, I've never tried them in tomato sauce for that very reason. Seems like such a strong flavor for those creamy eggs.

  2. Oh my god, at first I thought you weren't going to have any eggs in this post.. WHEW, thank you for not disappointing!! :) I love your egg creations..keep them coming!! Oh, and eggs in purgatory is one of my favorites!!

  3. Whew! Based on your title, I was afraid there wasn't going to be any of your fabulous eggs. I live for your eggs.

  4. Love me some fried potatoes. my mom made them often when I was growing up, even paring them with ham and beans.
    I haven't tried eggs in tomato sauce yet. I'll see how you like them first!

  5. On my first trip to China, the dining room for foreigners served eggs and tomatoes for breakfast a couple of times a week. That was the first time I had the two together, and I love the combination.

  6. I always look forward to your leftover breakfasts - you need to do a cookbook! I'd buy it!

    I love the potatoes, onions, and eggs. I also want to try baking eggs in tomato sauce but I never thought of putting an egg on spaghetti.

  7. Woo hoo, Larry!!! Your breakfast's rock!!! You can come to my house and cook breakfast any day of the year! It's my fave meal of the day and I make the potatoes every chance I get. My grandmother fried potatoes in lard every single day and it was fried potato heaven. I just made some Sunday morning in good old bacon grease...

  8. My beloved pours tomato juice over his scrambled eggs, but I won't combine eggs and tomato sauce, no matter what anyone suggests! But your eggs and potatoes sound great!

  9. Larry, You sure aren't afraid of a little experimenting! Once again, I'm relagated to the minor leagues of egg/breakfast entrees... I'd never heard of eggs in purgatory before although I will say that a full English Breakfast frequently includes a fried tomato slice with the fried eggs and bangers. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  10. You sure know how to start your day off with a bang, Larry! all of those egg dishes look wonderful. I've never tried cooking eggs in tomato sauce before. That actually sounds really good!

  11. I might have to fry some potatoes and onions real soon! You've got me wanting them now! I don't think I'll ever do the egg with spaghetti thing though. You truly are creative in the kitchen!

  12. Just found this site and I was intrigued by the Eggs in Purgatory. Have you tried it? I am so going to give it a try this week!


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