
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fried Taters & Onions And Stuff

I love fried potatoes and I like fried potatoes and onions even more – it was a lunchtime treat when I was growing up - we came home from school for lunch. Fried potatoes were always sliced in my family and naturally that’s what I did, but when I met Bev, she diced hers. In thinking about it, I don’t remember a cutting board in our house as Mom did everything in her hand with a paring knife. She would cut the potatoes lengthwise to the size she wanted then slice them directly into the cast iron skillet – usually containing hot bacon grease or Crisco. She had no bowls or cutting board to wash, just the skillet and the knife. I’m a big fan of chopping and cutting boards so I now dice my taters.

I came home on Tuesday and Bev remained in Gatlinburg with her shopping friends until Friday, leaving me to fend for myself for meals. After two days of leftovers, I was ready for a real meal on Thursday evening, and I fried up a big batch of potatoes and onions for this and a few more meals. I like to cook them with a lid on until nearly done, then crank up the heat and cook uncovered to brown a little.

I sided the taters with a piece of warmed up smoked salmon topped with a sauce resembling my smoked salmon spread and lettuce with Chef Dennis’s bleu cheese dressing – I think it’s better now than when we had it for our Super Bowl party and I had a few forks full while I was cooking.

The salad was delicious, the salmon was delicious, and the taters were outstanding – actually it was all outstanding. I’m sure the Gatlinburg shoppers didn’t eat anything this good, and I might just put it up against any meal served in G'burg – in other words I liked it.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. I'm sure they didn't have anything that good in Gaitlinburg. I grew up with sliced fried potatoes also. And sliced directly into a pan of hot Crisco. And also with a few minutes of lid steaming, man are those things good.

  2. Laurie here...Larry, this meal looks 100 times better than what I had at the Orangery the other night! I love salmon & your taters & onions is a true treat for me, since Big Daddy Dave doesn't like onions mixed in with his potatoes. ( Go figure!) I don't know how you can improve on your smoked salmon spread but I'm willing to try it again the next time we see you. (Ha-ha!) I think you should open up a restaurant...Maybe here in my kitchen? Love ya, Laurie

  3. Fried potatoes are one of those simple but incredible dishes! Love the potato/onion combo.

  4. When they are properly cooked, fried potatoes are one of the kitchens greatest pleasures. Yours look and sound wonderful. I hope you have a great day, Larry. Blessings...Mary

  5. I would like that meal too, Larry. Crispy fried potatoes are a favorite side in my house, especially when cooked in a hot cast iron skillet.

  6. I was thinking I'd like to make this and add green bell pepper but then asked myself, at what point does fried potatoes and onions, etc become "hash"? Only when meat is added or a certain # of ingredients?

    I agree, I bet no one in Gburg got eats like this!

  7. My mom used to make those on our first night at lake camp - I can hardly go camping without eating fried potatoes and fried fish. LOL, I love that you sided the potatoes with meat instead of the potatoes being the side. Might as well call a spade a spade, right?

  8. I love friend potatoes too!
    Larry, that plate looks fantastic! Next time you have to fend for yourself, call me, I'll come help you eat it!!! lol


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