
Friday, June 29, 2018

A Southern Fried Supper

Last week, we made a trip to the Englewood Mennonite Farmers Market to pick up corn and potatoes for our Low Country Boil and as you might imagine, we loaded up for our personal use as well.  For tonight’s meal, the veggies all came from the market and to make it truly southern, all but the tomatoes were fried with the following menu:

- Sliced okra, rolled in cornmeal and flour, and fried in Crisco – a must.
- Bi-color corn, cut from the cob, and cooked in butter.
- New potatoes, washed, parboiled, and browned in butter
- Sliced vine ripened tomatoes
- Cottage cheese for those who wanted it
- S&P on everything as the only spices

It was all outstanding and Cindy, who had not had anything but the tomatoes before tonight, raved about it – I did my raving by quietly getting seconds J  The fresh corn was very sweet, the potatoes were extra creamy, the okra was tender, and the tomatoes were as good as they can be so we ate all of everything but the potatoes – no dessert required tonight.  I know all of this fried food should not be eaten often, but you really should become a Southener and give this meal a try.

No pics but as you might guess, the next morning the leftover potatoes were added to some fried onions and peppers then topped with some hot pepper cheese and a couple of fried eggs for a delicious breakfast.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


6/24/18 Meal Date


  1. That looks so tasty , have enjoyed meals like that a few times when we were in the south.

  2. YUM! I have never made or eaten fried okra. How sad is that? The whole meal looks and sounds terrific.

  3. Larry, This meal even looks good to a meat lover like me! You guys do treat Cindy right... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. My kinda meal for sure!!!! You can tell that I'm a southern girl through and through...


  5. I'll never forget when you fried corn for us at Chatfield. So good. Looks delicious Larry and of course love the sound of that breakfast. I just got an email that one of the markets in Brighton is opening up today. I do believe we're starting to see some Colorado fresh produce.

  6. Mouthwatering goodness here, for sure! Can hardly wait for local tomatoes and corn are ripe here. Haven't had a good fresh tomato since last summer! :)

  7. You know how to do 'southern' right, Larry! I can't wait for vine-ripened tomatoes here!


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