
Friday, March 16, 2012

Another Canadian Bacon Breakfast & Veggie Gardening

Nothing fancy, just a simple throw together breakfast for a busy day:

English muffin - toasted
Homemade Canadian bacon – diced and lightly nuked to warm
Sharp cheddar cheese - sliced
Green onion – chopped
Grape tomatoes - quartered
Fresh farm eggs from a local farmers – cooked sunny side up in ring molds

After toasting the muffin, I assembled evrything starting with the cheese and put it under the broiler - I figured when the cheese melted, everything above it would be ready.

Served with homemade tomato juice, raspberries, and hot coffee - it was a delicious way to start the day.

Veggie Gardening Reminder – It was too late for last year’s garden but I did a series of gardening posts every Thursday, based on my teaching material for Master Gardener students.  It began on April 28, 2011 and ran thru August.  If interested, you can go to the Blog Archive on my sidebar, click 2011, then May (first full month), and look at the topics for the Thursday posts.  I love to talk gardening so don’t hesitate to shoot me an email if I can be of any help. 

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

One year ago:  Mushroom Pork Tenderloin

Two years ago:  My First Attempt At Stuffed Sausage


3/14/2012  meal date


  1. Now that is a nice way to start the day. I'm going to go back and find your gardening posts. Master gardner...I'm impressed. I'm waiting for heirloom tomato seeds to arrive in the mail. Growing tomatoes at our cottage in Maine is a challenge because the growing season is so short.

  2. Ryan has to do a "senior project" where he does something in real life and writes a paper about it, then presents it to a panel of teachers, so he's probably going with something about the garden. We're going to clean out all the weeds this weekend, and then begin planning. It's gotten warm early this year, and we're looking forward to tomatoes!

  3. Hearty breakfast, as always!

    I need to get grass seed down but I'm heading to Florida for four days so it will have to wait until next week.

  4. Those eggs look fabulous! Thinking of gardening is so close here too - I can't wait.

  5. Yum, love the looks of this breakfast; hearty but healthy.
    I almost can't believe it's gardening time again, but then we really didn't have any winter here. I'm wondering if our weather will hold, or if we are in for a late freeze!

  6. Another yummy breakfast creation! Looks so delish that I think I'll have to make myself one right now! :) Thanks for the gardening link. Have a great weekend!


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