
Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh So Good Pecan Roll

Remember the other day when I posted about slicing and frying the pecan roll from Tellico Grains - here’s a reminder picture.

My lone negative was they had all of the nuts on top but none in the middle, so I requested the family baker give it a try on a recent bread day. She used her bread dough, which is a little soft for these, but they worked out fine – she baked them in a muffin tin (nuts and caramel) and probably used the same amount of nuts as the bakery, but divided them between the top and inside.

The reason I want nuts in the middle is when I slice it into thirds, apply butter, and sauté it to nice golden brown, I have nuts in all three pieces. I suppose it has to do with rearing, but friend and neighbor, Steve, will eat only peanuts. I’ve never met a nut I didn’t like (edible ones that is) and never had a dish with too many nuts. Since granddaughter Riley can’t have nuts (can’t eat protein due to PKU), I added hers to the top of my lower slices. More to come on the grand kids visit.

A scoop of butter pecan ice cream or some whipped cream would have made this perfect, but I had neither and sure didn’t need the extra calories.

Oh, by the way, this was breakfast – see, I don’t always eat eggs.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

One year ago: Blackened Pork Chops



  1. My compliments to the baker. These would be dangerous around my husband. First you see them, now you don't. I wonder what happened to them?

    Great breakfast Larry.

  2. I can just imagine a scoop of butter pecan ice cream melting into that warm dough goodnes... omg.

  3. This is my kind of breakfast. Pretty sure I could eat it every day if my thighs would allow it!

  4. Your baker did a fantastic job..they look delicious!!

  5. Drooling over all of the tasty things you've made this past week and your beautiful spring photos!

    My husband would love it if I made these pecan rolls for him! They sound delicious!

  6. Yum.... That Pecan Roll looks delicious. I'd give up my cereal for that anytime.... ha ha

  7. Your baker is good! I would love that kind of breakfast.

    Saw the pictures of your grounds from yesterday. Looks really good. We have a little green here today, mixed in with the brown. I'm hoping for an end to the winter. Gripe, gripe, gripe. Weather griping is a sport hereabouts.

  8. Your baker is needed here! They look so delicious and I can imagine how great they taste. Haven't had a pecan roll in ages but I agree with there's no such thing as too many nuts. I'm drooling now!

    Love all the pics below with spring in the air. You're way ahead of us as the grass is just starting to turn green here.

  9. I can resist all sorts of sweets, but cinnamon and pecans are my weakness - I'm off to the kitchen now . . .

  10. Larry, you are reminding me that I am really, really boring with breakfast. These look like dessert! YUM!


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