
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Our Joe Patti’s Seafood Haul

One of the reasons we did not want to miss the Pensacola RV rally was so we could go to Joe Patti’s Seafood and buy good, fresh fish at wholesale prices ($9.99/lb. for 16-20 size shrimp for example).  We’ve had this large 20 gallon cooler for many years and have only used it a time or two but it was perfect for this use.  

On the day we planned to come home from the Pensacola RV Rally, we were at Joe Patti’s when they opened and an hour and $734.39 later, we had the cooler completely full of fish and ice and had to use our cooler bag to carry the six snow crab clusters.  I can’t remember all of the prices or weight amounts except 10 lb. of 16-20 gulf shrimp, and 10 lb. of cleaned Royal Red Shrimp.  Then we bought 8 large pieces of Caribbean Grouper, 18 pieces of Norwegian Salmon (best of the farm raised), 2 large tuna steaks, 8 pieces of swordfish, 4 pieces of flounder, and four pounds sea scallops.  The shrimp, scallops, crab, and flounder were already frozen so I had to freeze and vacuum seal the others when we got home.  We past-up the lump crab and oysters as their price wasn’t that good.

The fish we bought the most of was salmon and I froze them in stacks of two center cut pieces and one tail piece – Bev prefers the tail as it is thinner and gets more done than the thicker center cut pieces.  I also cut off the very thin belly strips and will use them for salmon patties or to smoke for salmon dip.

I like to freeze most things individually or in meal sized portions.

Frozen salmon.

Frozen swordfish.

After freezing, it was all vacuum sealed (two bags for the salmon and one bag for the swordfish) and now we need to eat lots of seafood.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


5/9/24 event date


  1. Fabulous! I love to stock up on things like that. We used to take a cooler to Kansas with us so we could stock up at the Amish market.

  2. Heavenly food!!

  3. Holy moly! Wow. You are set for quite a while now.

  4. Hi Larry, All I can say about all this seafood is WOW! Good eats ahead...healthy too! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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