
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Fun Tennessee Travelers Pensacola RV Rally Day 2 - Dolphins, Blue Angels and The Grand Marlin

Finally something besides food to post about.

For this second day of the rally (not much happened on day 1), a visit to the Pensacola Naval Air Station was planned including a tour of the Naval Air Museum and watching the Blue Angels practice but the whole thing fell through when the base was closed to visitors.  So, for a fill in activity, we went on a two-hour dolphin cruise on Pensacola Bay. 

We saw a group of dolphins not far into our trip and watched and photographed them for a while before heading west to look for more.

But what we found instead was the Navy’s Blue Angels practicing and flying around and right over us.

I had missed seeing them at two previous rallies and our plans had fallen through for this rally so this was a pretty special surprise.

After the dolphin/Blue Angels cruise, we went just up the road to the Grand Marlin for lunch and had the place pretty much to ourselves.  

Here are pics from the web of their outdoor and indoor seating and their bar.

This is our group of 20 studying the menu.

Bev started her lunch with a pina colada cocktail then followed with her meal of Baked Oysters Rockefeller which were huge and delicious – I ate half of the dozen.

Sitting next to her, Louie had a dozen raw oysters and they were also good sized.

I had shrimp and grits which were described as “Chipotle Seared Jumbo Gulf Shrimp/ C & D Mill's Boursin Cheese Grits/ Andouille Sausage Tomato Stew/ Gambino's Bread” and they were different than any I’d ever had.  The five shrimp were tasty but I didn’t care for the sauce and there wasn’t much grits – I liked mine much, much better.

Then it was another evening of sitting around the faux campfire.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


5/7/24 event date


  1. What a great time! I wish I could like our RV never got use to it.. Enjoy your summer!! everything looks fabulous!

  2. Al learned to fly at the Navy base in Pensacola. Every now and then, he'll share tales about flying in formation. Enjoy the rest of your rally.

  3. Hi Larry, Sounds like a great day! Love watching dolphins and the Blue Angels are special for sure. In my former office in Chicago, they would literally fly by my office window every year while practicing their routine for the big Chicago Air Show. Very memorable! I'm guessing that the restaurant and the servers were really happy to see 20 people walk in and order dinner. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. Great pictures!!

  5. Lucky you getting to see the Blue Angels. Very Cool.

  6. What a fun day! It's too bad you didn't care for the shrimp and grits but luckily Bev shared her oysters. Yum!


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