
Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas At Our House 2022 – Very Eventful

For our Christmas meal this year we invited daughter, Wende, and family, our friends Kathy and Pat, which along with Cindy, Pat, Bev, and me, gave us 10 diners which fit our number of chairs.

But before we get to the meal, Bev advised there was water dripping from the ice dispenser and investigation showed the fridge was not working and the freezer was already at 40F and I’m in a wheelchair and can do nothing.  Fortunately, it was very cold and Bev could move the freezer items into other freezers and just put the fridge stuff into the unheated garage.

We called friend, Kathy, and asked her to come early to help us get everything ready and when she showed up, her daughter, Ashley, was with her after making a surprise visit from St. Louis so we set an extra plate on the table corner for Eliza and then there was 11 for supper.

So Wende’s gang came next and the first ones thru the door was Kathy (daughter) and Keith who had driven in from Nebraska on Wednesday for a surprise visit with her mom, at Wende’s (daughter) then my surprise on Christmas day and then there was 13 for supper so we had to go to two tables.

But before the meal, we all watched Eliza tear into the paper wrapping her presents with a little help from Bev.

Our meal was very simple with pully ham, homemade rolls, mac and cheese, salad, and dessert and I made some fairly spicy mustard for the ham sandwiches – hadn’t made it since 2009, my how time flies.

Supper went well and was a hit as usual, then Kathy and Keith spent the next three nights with us which allowed Keith to diagnose our final event – a pipe supplying and outside faucet broke but fortunately is was downstream of a valve so it could be closed and we could easily wait the four days until it can be repaired. 

But not so lucky with the fridge as the entire crew of service folks for our GE Monogram are off the week after Christmas so it will be nine days before they even come to look at it.

The day after Christmas, Kathy threw together this delicious charcuterie board for an early supper.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


12/25/22 meal date


  1. Larry, There is nothing that shouts Christmas more than a gathering of family and close friends. Eliza looks like she had a great time...proving once again the Christmas is especially for kids! You certainly ended up with crowd... Love that charcuterie board! We're wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year! Take Care, Dave and Laurie

  2. All the surprise guests - how fun. Makes for a very special Christmas. Happy new year.

  3. So sorry about your fridge & pipe issues--UGH! I love that you had some surprise visitors and Eliza looks adorable as usual. I'm glad you had such a family-filled Christmas.


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