
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Home Alone – Almost

If you’ve been reading for awhile, you likely remember we have a time share in Marco Island, FL that we use every fall and this year we have expanded to three weeks.  I had hoped to go down for a week but my hip continues to bother me and I knew I could not make the drive down nor the plane ride back so I am holding down the fort along with the three dogs.

Since I’m only cooking for myself, I won’t have many food porn posts so I thought I’d let you see the shots they have sent me of what I am missing for the first week.  They began their first week with a visit to Stan’s Idle Hour in Goodland where they have a big event on Sunday’s with a band.

Of course they are eating some seafood.

And washing it down with tropical drinks

Then watching the sunsets

The big highlight for Bev the first week was that son Rhett flew down for the weekend and he got to try stone crabs at Triad Seafood Market and Cafe in Everglades City.  $53 later he decided he didn’t need to do that again – I made that decision many years ago - big bucks for cold crab doesn't do it for me.

That’s all for their first week from Marco.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


11/27 – 12/4/21 event date


  1. wow I am so sorry you had to miss this years trip. Florida will be waiting when you get here next year until then get well soon and you have a great holiday season getting back to good health

  2. Great photos! It looks like the girls are having a fun & tasty time. Sorry to hear your hip is bothering you so much.

  3. Larry, Looks like the ladies are eating well and those drinks look pretty good too! We'd invite you over for dinner but since I'm the current chef and bottle washer with Laurie's broken ankle, the food might be a bit questionable. Last night we had baked potatoes with butter and cheese...not very gourmet but filling. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. Oh boy ... the annual "Larry is unsupervised" :) Thanks for sending all of the photos. Always enjoy seeing them.


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