
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Some Recent Meals & Happenings

Bev works very hard to keep her flower gardens looking good and one of them is around the rock in the middle of our driveway.

Joe comes down for happy hour on Fridays and on this hot day, he and Cindy decided to beat the heat with a dip in the lake.

Bev had been wanting chicken stir fry so we made up a batch using a recipe from Mom On Time Out.

Our blueberries have produced very well this year and Cindy turned some of them into a delicious Blueberry Buckle.

My tiny garden is now providing a few tomatoes and beans but I’m fighting the tomato blight as usual.

And what do you do when you have plenty of tomatoes - you make up a batch of pimento cheese and marry them together.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.  

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


Mid July, 2020


  1. Boy oh boy do you eat well. Loving that blueberry buckle!!! Your yard & garden are beautiful.

  2. Larry, Water looks fine and both Joe and Cindy look really happy to be able to cool down like that! Huge blueberry bushes... I'm guessing that Blueberry Buckle is a lot like blueberry cobbler? Serve warm and add some vanilla ice cream. Yum! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  3. I think I'll come live in that lonely Coach for the rest of the season. Beautiful flowers, lake ... tomato sandwiches ... blueberry buckle! All sounds good to me.


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