
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Enjoying Spring While Locked Down

We have been in hunker-down-mode for a couple of weeks now and are very fortunate to live out in the country rather than a big city apartment, so we can spend plenty of time outside.  I’ve posted some earlier shots of the cherry trees and now it is time for some other plants to show their stuff beginning with our favorite azaleas.  The white ones are full while the reds between them are just starting to open.

Some others around the place now open.

And this fellow is about 15’ side-to-side and will get a little pruning this year.

The Snowball is full of blooms.

As is the Bridal Wreath.

This is a small lilac that smells so good.

The Kwanzan Cherries are dropping their blooms and creating pink snow with much more to fall yet.

We’re also getting some spring chores done as Bev has spent several days whipping her flower garden into great shape and I’ve planted grass in several places around the yard.

We’re still waiting for all chance of frost to pass before we plant some peppers, tomatoes, and beans in our tiny garden space – we are getting a little asparagus.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


4/8/20 event date


  1. I fell in love with azaleas when we lived in Virginia. We had the most gorgeous colors in our yard. But the fragrance of lilacs brings back the most wonderful memories of my childhood as my grandmother had huge lilac trees all over her yard.

  2. Larry, Wow! Great photos with plenty of beautiful spring photos... Makes our yard look boring and bland but then again we have less to take care of. Can you imagine what self-isolation would be like if this were mid-winter? Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  3. We love Azaleas. We have a few in our yard but not many... We are usually at Biltmore this time of year to see their Azaleas and Tulips... Will miss that....

    Happy Easter....With Jesus, there's HOPE ---and hope is what we all need, not just during the hard times but during the good times also!!!


  4. Happy Easter, That pie looks fantastic. I do love pie

  5. Those AZALEAS! Stunning. Guess they don't survive the Winter here.


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