
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hip Replacement Surgery

The ladies amaryllis' are still showing off.

Well tomorrow (Feb 3) is the big day as I will hopefully wake up in the afternoon with a new left hip and soon be pain free after 14 months with it.

Getting to the required weight wasn't as hard as expected but I had a challenge in the later days when my body went into survival mode due to my low calorie intake.  Since Bev had been suggesting a fast is always good for my body, I ended up doing a five day fast coupled with an exercise routine every three hours to speed up my metabolism.  Before the survival mode, I was losing a pound/day then it dropped to a half pound/day with none on some days, but during the fast, I lost five pounds and since I drink lots of liquid all day long, I’m confident it was not fluid loss.
So far it’s a 60 pound loss and now that I know I can do it, I’m motivated to lose more this coming year, but at a little slower rate.

So I’ll be gone for a couple of days and be back online when I get home, which is usually the day after the surgery - in the meantime, I have a couple of posts teed-up to go.

Wende and family came down Saturday to see me off and Eliza enjoyed a ride on horsey dad.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.



  1. Looking forward to hearing from you and your new hip. Just do all the physical therapy and maybe a little more.

  2. Sending healing prayers! Good luck and good thoughts coming your way!

  3. Congrats on the weightloss and best wishes for a fantastic surgery outcome!

  4. Good for you on the weight. Good luck tomorrow

  5. Larry, Laurie and I know that you'll do great with your new hip just based on my experience and your positive attitude. After all, you did very well with knee replacements and they are harder to recover from. As for the weight! Excellent! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave and Laurie

  6. You're going to be such a hipster with that new hip. We'll be thinking about you - get back on line as soon as possible and give us the thumbs up signal - like the football players do. :)


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