
Monday, September 10, 2018

2018 Summer RV Trip – Day 43 – Historic Roundhouse Restaurant & Sausage

Saturday was our day to visit with the kids and stock up on sausage and at Ann’s suggestion, we met for lunch at Two Brothers Roundhouse in Aurora, IL.  Eric was out of town so it was Ann and Matthew & Sophia who are growing like weeds.

The restaurant is in an old railroad roundhouse and here is an excerpt for Wikipedia – “The Two Brothers Roundhouse, formerly the Walter Payton Roundhouse, America's Historical Roundhouse, and Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Roundhouse and Locomotive Shop is a historic building converted to a restaurant in Aurora, Illinois. It was originally constructed in 1856 as a roundhouse for the Chicago & Aurora Railroad (later Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad) and served in this capacity until 1974. It was abandoned until 1995, when a group of investors led by Walter Payton purchased it and converted the building to an entertainment complex. Its most recent tenant is Two Brothers Brewing. The building is the oldest limestone roundhouse in the United States and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.”

Two Brothers is a restaurant, brewery, and distillery and it is amazing how they have made use of this fine old building which is made of stone and wood – huge beams can be seen supporting the roof on the inside.

Then the outside area where the turntable was located is set up for events.

Our lunches were burgers, wings, stuffed poblano, and a reuben and they were all just warm by the time we got them so the food gets a C but the location was a winner.

From there, we headed over to The Wurst Kitchen to stock up on some great sausages to take home – we bought at least 30lbs of frozen ones and the RV freezer was completely full.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


9/01/18 Event Date


  1. The roundhouse sounds like an interesting building, too bad your food was not hot when you got it.
    We too love a good sausage when we come across it, so many tasty varieties out there especially the small homemade sausages. enjoy.

  2. Wow - love the location of the restaurant. But warm food really distracts from it. At least we're in the same state for a little while. We're in Kankakee, IL - headed for Middlebury, IN today. Amish country for cheese and noodles.

  3. What a fascinating building and gorgeous space! I would give anything to have one of those outdoor fireplaces in my yard - so pretty. Can't wait to see what you make with the sausages :)

  4. Larry, That is one beautiful dining and entertainment complex! Beautiful restoration and that roundhouse is right up my alley. We never visited it while we live d in Chicago nor did we ever experience the Wurst Kitchen Sausage Company. Damn! The good news is that we had a great butcher - source for sausage up in Niles, close to where we lived. Its a shame that the food wasn't hot... Take Care, Dave

  5. That roundhouse complex is amazing. Glad you had a nice visit with family.

  6. The interior & exterior of the restaurant are great, it's too bad the food came out barely warm.


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