
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

2018 Summer RV Trip – Days 32 & 33 –Egg Harbor

We awoke to overcast skies, an off and on drizzle, a good breeze, and cool temps – I wore a warm up jacket while doing my computing outside.

After a couple of failed restaurant stops (too crowded), we stopped at MacReady Artisan Bread Co. for some artisan bread and scones and took them back home for breakfast.  The bread was pretty good but we all thought the scones were too dry so no need to return.

Since it was cool, windy, and overcast, we thought it would be a good day to go check out part of the peninsula so we drove to the northern tip, Northport, just in time to see the car ferry heading over to Washington Island in the pretty rough water – I would not have wanted to be on board even for the short ride as the waves were breaking over the bow - our pics didn't turn out.  

We got to drive over the most photographed road is WI which reminded me of a part of our US-129.  We took no shots so here is one from the web - since there was no oncoming traffic, I drove it WV style in a straight line ignoring the yellow lines.

We drove through the towns of Fish Creek, Ephraim, Sister Bay, and Ellison Bay, plus a couple of smaller villages.  We went thru each of them slowly in each direction, so the girls could plan any return shopping trips.  The water was pretty rough coming into each of the bays - worse than this shot shows.

Having developed a fondness for hard cider while in Michigan’s Leelanau Peninsula, we stopped at the one cidery we found along the way – Island Orchard Cider.  For $16, we got a flight of six 2oz samples to sip-on at an outside table and were disappointed that we didn’t like any of them enough to make a purchase.

The next day was sunny and warmer and after breakfast at home, we stopped at the two nearby farm stores just to see what they had  - Wood Orchard is a classic tourist store containing about all things fruit - It's a cherry lovers dream place as you can get cherries made into everything from salsa to pie plus fresh ones in season.  Returning to Wood Orchard Market for cherry strudel will be a must.

Then we drove to the other side of the peninsula to check out the small town of Bailey’s Harbor.  From there it was down to check out the big town in the area, Sturgeon Bay, which has a population of 8900+ but it seemed larger.  The town is big enough for a Walmart, etc and seem to be prospering in part because of Fincanieri Ship Building which had one older ship in dry dock and another one under construction.

Italian owned Fincantieri is one of the world's ten largest shipbuilders, building everything from Great Lakes freighters to military ships, and it builds many of the ships for the major cruise companies.

At the recommendation of our campground neighbors, we stopped at Door County Distillery to try their gin (for gin and tonic) - the spirits pourer actually made me a gin and tonic for $6.  Then we went to the other wing of the building to sample the wine from the Door Peninsula Winery where the girls made a few purchases - their white wines did not appeal to me.

In most wineries, after tasting, someone gathers up your purchases for you but here they have the wines on racks and shelves and you collect your own in a small shopping cart if needed.

This was a busy day and will be continued on the next post.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them and the blue words are links.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


8/21- 8/22/18 Event Date


  1. You have been busy enjoying the sites and tasting some local fare.

  2. I have a feeling that road would make me feel a bit ill but it sure is cool to look at. I am so glad you guys really explore the areas you travel to and try out local goods.

  3. Many parts of this trip are so foreign to me. I've never been to this part of the country. Too bad about that bread - I was looking forward to some mouthwatering shots.

  4. The shipbuilder must have been a really cool place to visit! Everything else looks entertaining, but how many shipbuilders does one find?

  5. We never made it to Egg Harbor but enjoyed the area 3 years ago. You brought back some good memories for us.

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