
Monday, September 18, 2017

Western RV Trip Day 9 Devil’s Tower & Steak

We started Tuesday off the with a BLT plus egg using Benton’s bacon and, as always, the sandwich was delicious – I was too busy eating to take a picture but since we fried up three pounds of bacon, I may get another chance.

After breakfast we headed out on our day trip starting with a drive though Bell Fourche (bel foosh) – not much there for us tourists.  We headed west across MT-34/WY-24 to Devil’s Tower National Monument.  These shots are from the east side as we approached - the group shot is to send into the back home newspaper for a series they are doing..

We used our Senior Passes to get in and proceeded to the visitors center.  The prevailing theory is that the tower formation is volcanic magma that solidified and then the surrounding mountain mass eroded away leaving only the core - it is 867 feet from base to top and the top is 5112 feet above sea level. 

While the others in our group made the mile and half trek around the tower base (temp was 93F and they were whipped) I spent my time watching a climber on the tower and the birds circling around the top waiting for him to fall and die – not really, as I believe they were hawks and not vultures.  Look closely at the center of the second shot.

After our nice trip, we had a meal of T-bone (porterhouse) steak, baked potato and salad.  The meat came from The Butcher Shop in Spearfish at 10.50/lb and we actually got to talk with the rancher who just happened to be there.  It takes 40 acres per cow so his herd of 500 head needs about 20,000 acres which he said was a small ranch in these parts.

I didn’t get any finished pics but the steak and the entire meal was delicious.  I’d gladly pay that price for this beef anytime as it was tender, flavorful, and had a large tenderloin side - Bev ate it, I ate the strip side, and the dogs got the bone so we were all happy.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


9/12/17 Event Date


  1. That Devil's tower looks like and interesting place to visit and that steak sure looks like it would be awesome !

  2. Any post that opens with I fried three pounds of bacon gets my attention. Ten dollars and fifty cents a pound would be unheard of in these inflated California Sin Tax prices. Wow. I usually get the strip side too. Yummy.


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