
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Visit With Our Kids and Grandkids – Part 4 – Wrap-Up

All-in-all, I think it was a great visit and everyone seemed to have a fine time, some are already looking forward to next year.  From a food standpoint, we had the low country boil, hot dogs & Dutch oven fried potatoes (a Kathy must), Lasagna, Sloppy Joes, scrambled eggs (a Matthew must), pancakes, and French toast casserole.  Here is my hot dog plate – grilled wieners, homemade hot dog sauce, potatoes fried is a large cast iron pot.

Before they left, we managed to get a few photos beginning with Bev, me, and the grands.

Same plus the two boyfriends, so all of the kids.

All of the family.

And finally all of the visitors.

I was concerned about this many kids sharing the one jet ski and how well they would all get along – the Roden’s and Walkers rarely see one another.  It turned out great with all of the kids adopting the others and I was very relaxed and enjoyed the visit.  When we built our home, this kind of event is exactly what we had in mind.  Kathy and crew left on Friday, the Doolittle’s on Saturday, and the Walker’s on Sunday. 

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


6/24 – 7/1/17 Event Date


  1. What a wonderful visit and such a gorgeous family. You are both truly blessed :) And it sounds like you ate well too!

  2. So nice to get everyone together and the group pictures a must.

  3. Larry, Looks like a great gathering! Fine looking crew! You actually got them off the smart phones for awhile... Great that you're repeating next year too. Love that hot dog plate... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. Wonderful memories. Your food always looks amazing. Fun times!

  5. Sounds like a good time for all. And your hot dog plate looks fantastic!

  6. Just caught up on all of your visit posts. Great looking family you have there, Larry; it's really nice that they could all spend time together with you. I'll bet the house seems a little empty now!

  7. Whats a beautiful family its what keeps me sane and going after losing my job after 31 years keeping family first god bless


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