
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A Visit With Eric And Family – Friday Night & Saturday

Friday night, we went to Lou Manalti’s Pizzeria in Naperville where we had “The Lou” deep dish and a pepperoni for the kids.  We ordered ahead so we had less of a wait in the balmy 75F sunshine.

I thought the pizza was good but not great and I thought the crust was supposed to be filled to the top like those I’d seen on TV - my guess would be that Malnati's looked like this when they began.

Bev’s regular pizza’s have almost the thickness of toppings as “The Lew.” 

On Saturday morning, we decided to drive downtown on a cool, rainy day so Bev could say she had been there.  We visited the lake front area and drove up Lake Shore Drive – I only took a shot of Soldier Field and the Chicago skyline from Adler Planetarium - buildings not nearly as tall this day.

For lunch, we stopped at a Chicago drive-in chain called Superdawg for a traditional Chicago style hot dog.

When I grew up a hot dog always was topped with sauce (special chili), mustard, and onion so I was dubious about the Chicago dog but it tasted better than I expected and I could have enjoyed it.  However, Superdawg's delivery system was terrible resulting in a mashed bun and soggy fries, thus making it a dis-satisfying experience.

Eric had asked around and Superdawg and Malnati's both were recommended, but I'd say there are better examples of deep dish pizza and Chicago dogs to be found.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


3/25/17 Event Date


  1. Now that looks like a fun time checking out Chicago, hope you enjoy more if it.

  2. It's too bad the hot dog was not as tasty as it could have been... soggy fries are the worst. The deep dish pizzas look terrific. I have never tried a deep dish. I need to change that!

  3. Mercy! That's a poor Lou Malnati's pizza, they're usually very good! Usually they are filled to the brim, it's all about the buttery crust to me. Too bad you didn't go to a Gino's East, I think there's one down by Naperville, or Giordano's stuffed crsut. And the hot dog doesn't look so hot either. Chicago style hot dogs are awesome, neon relish, onions, sport peppers, tomatoes, celery salt with hot dog on sesame seed bun, dragged through the garden!
    One of our sons lives down around Naperville, we're in Cary to the northwest. Glad you got to visit Chicago! We've seen a lot of great skylines around the world, but I think Chicago's is the best. Lots to do there and a fun city, great architectural boat tour and museums, Navy Pier. But the weather sucks now. Chilly raining and snow flurries tonight. Glad it was warmer when you visited!

  4. Larry, Well you were back in our old stomping grounds on this trip. We don't like deep dish pizza and its been years since we had one. We used to like Lou Malnati's regular pizza and we ordered it fairly often. As for Superdawg, we agree with you completely! We tried it years ago and we weren't impressed even then. I think that they're surviving on kitsch and fond memories of the 'old days'. I agree with Pam... If one is ordering deep dish pizza in Chicago, stick with Gino's East. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. We prefer thin crust pizza - I guess that's the Northeasterners in us. But it's always fun to try regional specialties! Glad you got to go visit with the family for a while, and that it wasn't cold and rainy the whole time. March in Chicago is tricky for weather.

  6. Love the windy city. We grew up just across the lake in Michigan.

  7. I hope you finally found some great pizza in Chicago. We had several delicious pies in Chicago - one at Girodano's and I can't remember the other place! Glad you got to visit family.

  8. Sorry you didn't get some really good Chicago Pizza and also a Chicago Hot Dog.... I have had (and love) Chicago Pizza --but yours did look sorta puny... I've never had a Chicago Hot Dog --so don't really know what they put on their 'dogs' up there... Like you, I like Chili, Mustard, and Onions on mine----and I like Cheese (as long as it is REALcheese and not Velveeta-type stuff)....

    When I was working on my Master's Degree in the '80's, I went to school near Northwestern University... We'd ride on the "L" to the Cubs games... Great memories.


  9. Good pizza almost always equals good times.


  10. I don't know much about Chicago Style Pizza or dogs. But I do know that those photos make me want to make a deep dish pizza in my own kitchen. I've never been to Chicago. One of these days.

  11. I wonder if Spring will ever arrive for the north.

  12. Two meals the Chicago area are famous for and them weren't very good…what a shame. My husband and I love Chicago hot dogs and that looks like the worst one I've ever seen. :(


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