
Friday, July 8, 2016

Still Can’t Comment – UPDATE - FIXED - SEE HOW

Velva hit the nail on the head and when I re-enabled third party cookies, it fixed the problem - Thank you so very much and thanks to all who responded.

I mentioned on a previous post that I was having trouble commenting on some blogs and I still don’t know how to fix it so any help would be appreciated.  If you will look at: – I can comment on these whether or not I have to add my name, email, etc or it fills itself in.

Now look at: – It fills in the identity and I can comment on these, also the ones that bring up a small comment box.

Now for the ones I can’t comment on, please go to: – these are the ones with the issue and even though I select Google account, it doesn’t take my comment.  Most of these are Blogspot but some are not.  Before we cleaned up my computer, I believe my profile was already filled in.

Also, previously when I was on my home page, in the upper right hand corner, it had four tabs – Create Blog, New Post, Design, and Sign In and now it just has the first and last one – so this is telling me something but I don’t know what. 

If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate them



  1. Hmm that is frustrating wish I could help you out Larry.

  2. Hi Larry, this may be happening because you need to enable third-party cookies on your browser-not sure but it may be a possibility.
    Go to google and type in "how to enable third-party cookies on browser" It will give you instructions on how to enable it.
    Let me know if it works for you.


  3. I've always had problems making comments on both blogspot and blogger. One thing I learned is that there is a little sign in spot on some blogs such as yours (yours in is the right hand corner but doesn't show unless I slide your entire page over) that I have to click on and fill out before I can comment. I don't know if that would help on the blogs where you are having a problem.

  4. Larry, I wondered why I hadn't been hearing from you... I wish I knew the answer but as I always say about anything mechanical or electronic..."I don't have a clue!" Hopefully you saw my posting today with our new Wine Bar/Bistro find. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. Stuff like this is so frustrating. I just paid a visit to David's blog and my comment went through just fine. I've never had a blogspot/blogger site so can be of no help at all, BUT, I did just google "can't comment on blogger" and it returned a lot of results. I didn't read any of them, but you might take a look at a couple and see if anything rings a bell. Good luck and let us know if you get it fixed.

  6. Dave, concerning your last question about the four tabs on your homepage.
    If you can only see two, then that means that you are not logged into Google.

  7. Technology is great when it works as I think it should...the problem I have is that what I think should be, isn't always what is! Ha! So sorry that you are having a tough time commenting. I had an issue like that with one particular blog...I never did figure out why...but, I would google it as Lea Ann suggested. Hope you get it solved.

  8. I wondered why I haven't seen you around, glad it's just your computer! Wish I could help, Larry! One of our sons is a software engineer and takes care of all our equipment. It's probably something easy that I don't have a clue about. Good luck with it!

  9. I did get your comment the other day, so looks like ours is working for you.

  10. Yay! Glad it worked for you! Welcome back to blog comment land!

  11. I am glad it's working for you now. You won't be able to comment on my site for a little longer. I was having issues with hackers and old software so my site is being redesigned and will be up and ready soon.

  12. Thankyou for taking the time to leave a comment. I have long time readers that claim it is to difficult and just do not want to be bothered leaving a comment.


I appreciate and enjoy your comments