
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Knee Replacement - Home At Last

After four days in the hospital and seven days at a live-in re-hab center, I'm writing this from the comfort of my easy chair and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.  Other than the usual pain, I believe I'm doing well and further along than the first time where I did not go to the re-hab location.  Unless something unexpected happens, it's now just a matter of completing the re-hab regimen which should be about a month.  Thanks for all of the good wishes, no more updates planned and regular blogging will resume when I have something to write about.  
Larry  3/10/16 


  1. Hey Larry that is wonderful, glad that all is going well and soon you be a new man!

  2. was wondering where you have been... glad you are on the mend so we can see more journeys and greatadventures

  3. Hey Larry, Welcome Home! You left that good restaurant you were visiting for a week. From the sound of it, I'm guessing that it wasn't diet friendly...but it was tasty! Had a fried shrimp dinner tonight at Z Fish House in Loudon. For %5.00 extra I got 12 BIG fried shrimp, coleslaw and black beans in lieu of French Fries. Good Eats for sure! Take Care and Keep on the rehab trail! Big Daddy Dave

  4. So glad everything went well Larry. I know it must be fabulous to be home in your own bed and enjoying Bev's cooking.

  5. So good to hear that all is going well and that you are home and on the mend. Hang in there and keep us posted.

  6. Yeah! You got out :) or escaped! So happy for you that it is going well. Maybe the weather will cooperate and you will be out and about in no time. Take care ;)

  7. Glad you are home and on the mend, Larry!

  8. So glad to hear from you about this. And since I'm behind on reading blogs, I'm hoping this finds you up and around. Was that 7 days planned? Seems like a long time.


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