
Monday, December 7, 2015

Two Weeks And Counting

My knee replacement was two weeks ago today and I thought I’d provide a little update but first I wanted to say thanks for all of the words of encouragement from you.

After my first therapy session, I was experiencing some swelling and pain in my right foot which took us a couple of days to determine was a gout flare up most likely brought on by the surgery.  The pain from it made the knee pain seem like a minor ache but I finally got some meds and after a few of days I was back on track, but it definitely slowed down the recovery.

At this point I am really pleased with my progress and how well it has gone and can say it has not been as bad as I expected it would be and I’m having no reluctance to proceeding with the left knee as soon as I’m able.  The doctor removed the staples on Friday and said he didn’t need to see me for another month.  So now it’s just a matter of continuing with rehab, working on the left knee to get it ready, and losing some weight – only six pounds so far but I can tell my face is a little thinner.

Other than put my right sock and shoe on, I can do about everything for myself which feels very good and I’m getting excellent care from my live-in nurse – she’s really glad I’m more self-sufficient.

One of the things that has hurt the weight loss is the fine meals Bev kept making (sympathy food) like this pan fried pork chops and pan gravy over mashed potatoes which was delicious.

We have now backed off to more healthy fare.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.



  1. Larry, Glad to hear that your recovery is going so well! The next time Bev feels like she needs to cook a meal like this one, just have her give me a call and I'll remove all temptation from your dining room table! That meal looks great... I understand the gout pain...been there and done that! There is just about nothing like it! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  2. Glad the recovery is coming along pretty good.
    Never had the gout guess I been lucky.After this healthy eating for the last 18 months that meal would be great, but ya know we both feel better now that we stay away from those kinds of meal. Go figure.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, Larry. Our friend with the double knee replacement done four weeks ago is doing really well too and going out to dinner with us already. Keep up the therapy and good work!

  4. I can sooo relate to the being glad you men are becoming more self-sufficient. Such good news when the doc says he doesn't want to see you again for awhile. Hang in there.

  5. Glad to hear you're doing well, Larry! Sounds like your live-in nurse is doing a good job. I had gout in my left foot recently, it healed and a week later I had it in my right foot. It has to be the worst pain ever, nothing comes close in comparison! So I know exactly what you mean about it. Take care

  6. So happy that you're on the up, Larry! Keep up the good work and congrats on the weight loss. I can't wait to see your healthy recipes! :) Cheers!

  7. So glad to hear things are going well and you're doing to proceed. Sounds like Bev is doing a great job and feeding you well. Hang in there with the weight loss & congratulations on getting started. You'll be so pleased with yourself as you continue to lose.

  8. So glad things are going well. All are best wishes.

  9. So happy to know that your recovery is going well (except for that of gout pain…that's not fair.) It sounds like Bev is doing her part in keeping you happy in the food department. Once you are really back on your feet you can concentrate on your diet.

  10. Glad things are going well Larry. Hang in there!

  11. Losing weight would be hard if Bev keeps making such tasty dinners! ;) Glad you are on the mend and more self sufficient.

  12. I guess salads are on the menu - as they are at my house too. Hope you're feeling great today. Best wishes for a speedy (painless) recovery!

  13. Hey great job, Larry. It's hard losing any weight post surgery so you are rocking, keep it up!

  14. Thanks for the update Larry and wishing you a speedy recovery. And that's good news that you don't have to go back for a month. Keep us posted Larry.


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