
Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Tennessee Summer Meal

This is one of our favorite summertime meals, all from local farmers – no garden for me this year.

I thought I should post the recipes for you non-Southerners J

Fried Okra
Sliced okra
S&P to taste
Crisco for frying (no substitute)
Fry until golden brown, turning often

Fried Corn
Corn, cut from the cob
S&P to taste
Butter for frying
Cook until warmer through, turning often

Green beans
Beans of your choice, this was a mixture
Country ham hocks
Chopped onion and garlic
S&P to taste
Water to cover
Cook until beans are soft – Bev used the pressure cooker

Watermelon for dessert

It was delicious and the previous night we had boiled new potatoes, corn on the cob, and green beans.  It’s not gourmet, but plain ole food is darned hard to beat – we may eat some meat tomorrow.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


7/5/15 event date


  1. Now plain ole good tasty down home cooking is my style, looks awesome !

  2. looks great! Fried okra is my favorite! I make it the same way.

  3. Larry, Yikes! No meat... I could get by without it for one day...but not two! Of course, this time of the year we do down all kinds of fresh veggies and fruit... Fresh tomatoes are hard to beat and we do love our corn... The only Okra I've ever eaten and really liked was Bev's! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. You are so right Larry - this is the best of the south and I so miss my mom after looking at this plate! She made good okra, beans and corn. My father taught me a great way to eat her green beans. We always added a slice of tomato and sweet onion. Chop the whole thing together and yum! Nothing better :) Hope you had a lovely 4th~

    1. I usually put onion on mine as well and Bev likes hers just as you described.

  5. There's nothing like Southern cooking in the summer.

  6. Dan brought me 2 watermelons that he had procured from a farm on Wm. Blount Drive the day before CSX rolled into town and chased him home. They were wonderful.

  7. Sounds delicious. Terry and I are frying green tomatoes for supper.

  8. Looks like a pretty tasty meal!

  9. Oh yum, I love vegetable meals like this…it reminds me of the many summer meals I had growing up in Texas.

  10. Some of my favorite foods Larry. We just had fried okra last week, along with slow cooked pole beans.

  11. There is nothing better than fresh suMmer vegetables cooked simply and deliciously!

  12. Good veggies here, Larry! My grandmother always fried corn in lard, loved it, but I make it with butter also. And beans with ham hocks, great!

  13. I hope you know you're taunting this late growing season Colorado girl! I was hoping to find Okra at our Farmer's market yesterday, but the only thing fresh was some peaches from the West Slope. No corn either. Maybe next week. I love this meal Larry. And you bet, Crisco is just the best for frying. I remember you mentioning frying corn in butter ... I need to try this.

  14. I agree, that is a perfect summer I need to try to fry corn though! Yum!

  15. My husband has been asking me to make fried okra. I've never cooked okra, but recently saw it at our grocery store. Okay! I'm in, and going to try it. Happy Summer!

  16. That okra looks like how my grandmom used to make it, light cornmeal batter, none of this completely breaded deep fried stuff. Fried okra is a treat.


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