
Monday, May 25, 2015

Drive In The Correct Lane

One of my pet peeves is what I call left laners, or middle laners for that matter.  When I was learning to drive, you only moved from the right lane to pass someone and now, it is the lane with the least traffic, especially on roads with three or more lanes.  So I was very happy to see this signage form Rhode Island.

Click on the shot to enlarge.

Traffic moves better and it is safer if everyone would abide by this - there would be a whole lot less darting form lane to lane - think about it.

Thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South and hope you've had a great Memorial Day weekend.



  1. Yes! That drives me nuts. It's not the "fast lane" it's the PASSING lane!

  2. Just experienced all of that. When we were in England, we were amazed that people actually stayed in the lanes according to their speed. People here are totally crazy.

  3. Amen to this one... Another of our pet peeves is on I-40 between Cookeville and Monterey where the signs say for TRUCKS to stay in the RIGHT LANE. Well---they never do---and the TN Highway Patrol does NOTHING.... BUT--when we go to Asheville and there are signs telling trucks to stay in the right lane, they DO... What does that say about TN laws??????? ha ha


  4. drives my husband over the edge every time! I had to share your photo with him. He wants to know if you would mind sharing the photo- He wants to post it to his Facebook.


  5. Every state needs a couple of hundred of those signs every where. Even when we're not towing we drive in the right hand lane.

  6. European drivers know that the left lane is only used for passing and then you return to the right lane…makes driving so much easier.

  7. We travel the inside lane and find it usually moves along more smoothly than the others cutting in and out.

  8. In my past life I was a truck driver. The passing lane is nicknamed the "Hammer Lane' because you are supposed to hammer down on the throttle while using it. That is not the case in California these days. It is frustrating being in the Hammer Lane behind somebody texting or oblivious to the line of cars behind them.

  9. Left laners drive me nuts too! Great sign.

  10. I don't think they teach that anymore. I dislike that type of driving too. Great sign!

  11. PS - they don't hog the left lanes in France & I haven't seen one person texting or talking on a cell phone while driving. Very courteous here. Don't even honk if you don't hurry the minute the light changes. We're not in Florida anymore.

  12. Wait - were you in Rhode Island? I've never seen so little traffic there.

  13. Larry, I agree! I can't stand people who weave in and out or who seem to float over partially into the other lane. On the other hand, I confess to being a 'middle laner' when driving on a 3 lane freeway in the city. I go with the traffic speed wise and some speedsters do go around me...but its better than dodging merging traffic every mile or so at the next on ramp! My traffic complaint is those who text and drive. We got behind one today...weaving across lanes...staying mostly in the left lane and going slower than traffic. When we passed her on the right, she had her big cell phone propped up on the top of her steering wheel, still trying to text. Scary stuff! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  14. I hope more states put up signs like these! Speeding and discourteous driving is become the norm it seems!

  15. Do not get me started on traffic pet peeves! ;/

  16. What scares the daylights out of me are the big trucks that go flying down the freeway at 70 MPH in the left land. If they want to pass, they pass.

  17. you'll be happy to know they just passed the bill in Oregon and these folks actually have not been so bad. But you could always tell someone from WA without looking at the license plate_ seemed entitled to the left lane. lol

  18. Many years ago, my father traveled a lot with his job and besides that all the family vacations with him driving the car right down the inside, left lane. He said it "rode better' esp with trucks staying to the right. Then when Bill and I married, it drove him crazy every time dad drove. We still laugh about all the times to this day. What bothers me is when tires, etc roll off trucks onto the expressway around here, Chicago. Scary, scary, scary!

  19. Hi there - and thanks for stopping by and commenting on our blog! Your comment accidentally got flagged as spam so I just found it today, but I've fixed it so that won't happen again. And I LOVE that sign - if only every state would post that...and if only every driver would actually do that!

  20. I hate to drive anywhere.. fly and thats it.. I have road rage! LOL glad you stay safe and love to travel..


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