
Friday, July 4, 2014


I like to run this every once in a while.

Just think how important it is for us that 238 years ago, a group of very brave people said we’re not willing to put up with this anymore and we are declaring our independence from Great Britain. They were willing to fight and die for their beliefs and their freedom.  While I often get frustrated with our government and our politics (and wonder if we should declare our independence from Washington), I merely have to look around Almost Heaven South or reflect a few minutes about the Middle East, North Korea, and many other places where people suffer under dictatorships or anarchy, or live in abject poverty, to make me very thankful to those brave souls of 1776.

So let's all enjoy our Independence Day and more importantly our independence and thanks for stopping by.



  1. Well said Larry. I often think of other countries with their dictators, poverty, refugee camps, and wars and count my blessings. We are indeed blessed to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Happy 4th of July to you and Beverly.

  2. Great reason for a July 4th Celebration, Happy Independence Day!

  3. Well said. Have a great Holiday weekend Larry and Bev.

  4. Way to go, Larry! You said it all perfectly!!!!!!! Happy 4th to you and yours!

  5. Well said Larry. Happy Birthday to all of America.

  6. Larry... We are lucky indeed! An accident of birth and we might be living in Syria or South Sudan... Even with all of our warts, the USA is hard to beat! Have a great 4th and we'll see you tomorrow! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. Happy 4th of July to you and your family. I know you are enjoying it too.


  8. I agree with each and every word, Larry. Well written.


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