
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Marco – A Meal On The Grill

Back to our Marco trip, I had brought a piece of pork loin to Marco and we decided on an Italian seasoned meal of pork chops, potatoes, and asparagus all cooked on the grill.

We had some red potatoes which we cleaned, cut into ½” slices, parboiled, dried, oiled on one side, and seasoned with Tiger Seasoning.  This side went down on the grill and the new top side got some melted butter, Italian Seasoning, and S&P.  When a tan crust developed, they were flipped, topped with more butter and grated parmesan, and grilled until the bottom was browned.

One of the other folks cooking at the grill was really interested in the potato process.

I removed the junk from outside of the loin and sliced it about ¾” thick.  After drying I oiled both sides with EVOO and added S&P and Italian Seasonings to the top.  The chops went on the grill top side down and the new top side got the same treatment.  I grilled to get a little crust, flipped, added a little melted butter, and grilled to desired doneness – no Thermopen so I had to guess.

The asparagus was tossed with EVOO and a good dose of Montreal Steak Seasoning (from the Italian section of Montreal), then grilled to crisp tender, flipping three times. 

We loaded everything up from the resort grill and headed back to the condo for a couple of shots.

This is my plate and I thought everything was delicious especially the moist, tender, and flavorful pork. 

The meal was a hit with everyone and even Madison ate some of everything and seconds on the veggies.  I oohed and aahed over the meat and almost declared it OMG good.  From the above plates of food, the only things left were a piece of meat, two pieces of potato and five asparagus spears.  The only thing I’d do differently is top the potatoes with a little melting cheese in addition to the parmesan.

Photos best if enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


11/18/13 meal date


  1. You guys sure eat well when you're traveling. How fun that Madison liked everything too.

  2. Everything looks and sounds so good.. but I'm really loving what you did to the potatoes.. will be trying that very soon and will use your suggestion of an additional melty cheese!! YUM!!!

  3. I like the pork. I've never used Italian Seasoning for pork and love the idea of the butter when you turn it. Pinned so I don't forget to try this one. We're heading into the deep freeze, so you won't find me in the back yard for awhile.

  4. Larry, That is one fine looking meal! Count me in... When Madison likes something, as petite as she is, she sure does seem to chow down! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. There is nothing finer than a perfectly grilled pork chop. Mouth watering.

  6. You did pretty darn well for using a resort grill. The resort next to ours has Big Green Eggs available to guests. Our condo building has those crappy metal, open park style grills. next time I'm hopping the fence and using their eggs ;)


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