
Monday, December 30, 2013

Crappie Provencale

While visiting with Meakin and Sam (My Carolina Kitchen) at their home in Florida, Meakin mentioned that Sam had won a cooking contest with a fish dish and after we got home, she sent us the recipe.  Want to see a shot of Sam in her younger days, check out the bottom photo in her 8/25/09 post.

The title of her dish is Fish Provencale with Tumeric Rice and I believe she may have used catfish, but we used the crappie that is nearly always in the freezer and served it over turmeric couscous as that’s what we had – I wanted to use orzo.  I don’t believe Sam has ever blogged about this dish, so I won’t publish the recipe but it contains the sautéed fish and a sauce of tomatoes, garlic, white wine, olives, corn starch, and herbs.

I added all of the sauce ingredients to a bowl an hour ahead of time so the dried herbs could re-hydrate a little and begin flavoring the tomatoes then cooked it in a saucepan.

The fish just got a dusting of flour and S&P and a quick fry in vegetable oil.  We cooked the couscous per package directions but added extra butter and the turmeric.  This was my plate – Bev decided a little grated parmesan was in order.

Bev and I both thought it was delicious and understand why it was a prize winner – thanks for sharing the recipe Sam.  A couple of cooks notes – if you use couscous, the sauce needs more liquid to help out it’s dry nature or if you’re married to a sauce-a-holic, as I am, you may need more sauce period.  And if using the larger Kalamata olives, we would halve them to spread the flavor around more.

If you think you'd like to try it, you might be able to get the recipe from Sam with a little sweet talking.

Photos best if enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


12/27/13 meal date


  1. Wow, it really turned out great Larry. I love the color the turmeric turned the couscous. It makes it a much more colorful dish. We are both big sauce lovers too and often use the left-over sauce the next day for breakfast with scrambled eggs.

    Happy New Year to you & Bev,

  2. Eating more fish will be my New Years resolution. I am with you on the orzo. In the New Year I will give this recipe a try. Happy New Year.

  3. It looks delicious Larry. I'm always looking for new fish dishes as we don't eat enough of it.
    Thanks for letting me know that you and Bev loved my French Bread. I'm going to make some later this week too. Happy New Year!

  4. Sounds like a delicious meal. Rice, couscous or orzo all sound great with the turmeric added to it…perfect with the sauce.

  5. Larry, The fish looks great...but I'll take them right after they've been fried with a little lemon and Tabasco...with the rice, couscous or orzo on the side! Yum... Wishing your and Madison and Pat...a Happy and Healthy New Year! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave and Laurie

  6. That look delish Larry! It's so great that you have made so many blog friends from other States!

  7. Love the festive header Larry. And the recipe looks really good. Just thinking about Bob...wonder if it would work with salmon tee hee. Happy New Year to You and Bev and the pups.

  8. Happy 2014 to you and yours. My wish for you is a year full of lots of JOY, PEACE, LOVE and BLESSINGS.

    Happy New Year.

  9. I never realized that my hubby's condition had a name: sauce-aholic! Thank you! Great looking meal, Larry. Happy New Year.

  10. I can see why Sam's recipe won, it looks and sounds delicious! Here's wishing you and yours the best in 2014! Happy New Year, Larry!


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