
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

2013 Western Trip – A Few Meals At The RV In Kalispell

When RVing, we do a combination of eating out and cooking and this post is about a few of our home cooked meals.  So far I’ve been just using our Smoky Joe charcoal grill (which is too small) and our 40+ year old Coleman stove (which isn’t working quite right) so some adjustments will need to be made soon.

Grilled Pork Steak – I never heard of these until being introduced to them by friends Dave and Laurie then again by their in-laws.  They are basically sliced Boston butt and Bev and I both decided we liked them a lot.  So when we saw some nice looking, thick cut ones at a little store in Hill City, SD, we bought a package of them and froze for two meals.  Our first full day in Kalispell Montana, we grilled them and basted with Tennessee River BBQ Sauce – didn’t have the stuff to do them up right with marinade - and served with Caesar salad and garlic bread.

Grilled Salmon – We hoped that being this far west that some fresh Pacific Ocean seafood would be available so we asked around.   The campground hostess steered to Super 1 (local grocery chain) and we found an assortment of good looking seafood, including cleaned, wild caught, whole Coho salmon for $6.98/lb before filleting.  We grilled it over charcoal using our favorite method of dry seasoning (St.Maarten Jerk in this case) and mayo.

I cooked to an internal of 137* (was shooting for 135) and it was perfect - flaky but still very moist - and maybe the best tasting salmon we'd ever had.

We went back to the market to buy some more to freeze and take with us.

Pastie Ala Larry -  I'd gotten suggestions for serving pasties from a previous post, including gravy and ketchup,  but being the breakfast food guy that I am, I had to have mine split open like a baked potato, topped with cheddar cheese and a fried egg.  It went down very easy. 
We brought some crappie with us from home and for an easy meal just fried it naked in butter with lemon and garlic, along with some asparagus, and served it over a pre-seasoned rice dish.

All of these meals were very good and made better by cooking and eating them in the outdoors of Big Sky Country.

Photos best if enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


8/24 - 8/28/2013 meal dates


  1. Somehow when food is eaten outdoors with pretty scenery & the weather is just right, it always tastes better. I would have stocked up on that pretty wild salmon too. Salmon takes well to freezing.

  2. I'm with Sam... always seems that food is better when you are eating and cooking outdoors. Could be almost anything.... but your meals are darn near gourmet!!
    Question... with the salmon, you just mixed your the seasoning and mayo and then slathered it on and dropped them on the grill??

  3. You and Bev lead a charmed and charming life. Thanks for sharing it with us. These meals sound delicious and eating them outdoors in big sky country takes them over the top. It sounds like you are having a great time. Blessings...Mary

  4. Never thought about eating the pasties with eggs for breakfast. We have some in our freezer to keep us company on our way to AZ. May just have to try that. We always shopped at Super 1 for all our meat. Glad they had some good salmon for you.

  5. Larry, You and the gang are sure eating well! All of these meals look great to me... It would be hard to choose, except that it's been so long since I've had a pastie that I'd have to pick that breakfast out of these 4 offerings if I could only eat one of them. Of course, I'd still add Tabasco...and maybe also that ketchup! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  6. Nice looking meals Larry. Cooking and eating outside always makes a meal that much better. The salmon you stumbled upon looks amazing - smart idea to go buy more & freeze it.

    You KNOW the pastie with the egg on top has me drooling!!

  7. You are an expert at outdoor cooking. Everything looks delicious. It sounds like you are have a wonderful trip in our beautiful country.

  8. I was wondering what sort of meals you cooked out on the road. Thanks for sharing...I better get cooking!

  9. Now that's some good lookin' eatin'. Very nice job on the food write-ups.

  10. Now that's some good lookin' eatin'. Very nice job on the food write-ups.

  11. So glad you were able to stock up on that Salmon. I've got so much in my freezer, I'm not sure what's available in our markets right now. I'll have to look next time I'm there, but I think Whole Foods have those pork steaks. I've never bought one.

  12. It is wonderful that you were not only able to get nice Pacific salmon, but that it turned out so well. I'm happy to see you got a fresh vegetable like asparagus as well.

  13. Man you know how to eat well, Larry! I think the pork steak is real big in St Louis.


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