
Friday, August 2, 2013

I Almost Got To Say “The Gangs All Here”

No two old folks need a 4000 sq.ft. house to wander around in and keep up, but when we built ours, we did so with the idea of entertaining friends and having it’s location on the lake attract kids and grandkids.  Over the 20 years of living here, we have done our fair share of entertaining and have had the kids and grands often, but this time we were within two days of them all being here together for the first time.

Kathy (daughter) and her three girls came in for their annual visit on Thursday evening and late that night, Rhett (son) and Beth came in later for an overnight to pick up Reese and Riley.  They had to leave early Friday for Michigan to spend time with Beth’s family.  Eric (son), Ann, and there boy and girl are coming late Saturday and Wende came over from Oak Ridge. 

We didn’t have clear sleeping arrangements for the first night and Kathy said not to worry as they could sleep anywhere – this is what I found in the living room next morning, so I guess she was right.

This is the Walkers as they depart for MI.

Since no one will be in the military after next spring and stationed who-knows-where, maybe we’ll get more opportunities to have them all for a big family get-together.

So over the next five days, we’ll be feeding and entertaining 11/12 folks – please stay tuned for the results, assuming we don’t run away from home that is.

Photos best if enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


8/1/2013 – 8/07/2013 event date


  1. It sounds as if you're going to have a busy -- but fun -- couple of weeks. I seriously hope you won't run away from home.

  2. Enjoy Larry...

    We just had our fair share of family visiting for the last 6 weeks. Seems every weekend someone was here and we had the time of our life! Just keep the keys to that RV handy and you'll do fine.

  3. How fun. Enjoy them while you can and be glad you have the room to accommodate everyone. You and Beverly rock!

  4. I love that your recliners were hijacked for beds. :) And you really have a house full with those canine grandkids too. Have a fabulous time and don't over do! ok, you can over do, I mean how often are they all here at (almost) once.

  5. Enjoy your family, Larry! Sounds like a wonderful house-full :)

  6. Looks delicious... Kids are going to love it :-)

  7. I had to chuckle reading this post. Our oldest daughter and family are visiting our very tiny cottage for six days. There will be air mattresses, lots of water sport activities and one little bathroom to be shared. Now about that thought of running away....... :)

  8. Awesome that the family is together. You have your work cut out for you but you are doing what you and Bev do best...warmth, hospitality, and feeding people.


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