
Monday, March 4, 2013

RV Trip Cancelled

We had the first trip in our new RV (shake-down cruise) planned to begin this past Saturday and had selected Charleston, SC as the location.  We picked Charleston because of the likelihood of warm weather, we wanted to explore the city and, as a bonus, the best man in my first wedding (I’ve only had two) lives there.

As it turned out Mother Nature had a different plan.  We would have been driving I-40 through the NC mountains where snow was predicted for Friday and Saturday and even if the roads got cleared, we didn’t want to yuck up the clean coach.  We might have delayed a few days, but the Charleston weather forecast was highs in the 50’s and low’s in the 30’s (same as here) and rain half of the time – not too good for the outdoor stuff we wanted to do.

We got a larger coach as we now have Madison and Bev’s sister wants to travel with us – the old coach was just too small for four humans and three dogs.  With slide-outs on both sides and a bath and a half, the Tuscany provides much more living space than the Holiday Rambler with just one slide and a small bathroom.  So, rather than a shot of our first campsite, here is the new ride sitting in the driveway with the old one.

Our driveway looks a little like a campground but the old one will be moved since we got everything out of it. I plan to sell it myself as the dealer wouldn’t give me what I wanted for it.  Since we still want to make the shake-down trip prior to setting out on a longer one, we’ll look around for some place nearby to visit when the weather permits.

Photos best if enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


3/01/13 event date


  1. Hi There, Why don't you just postpone a week? Next week looks much better. Sorry you had to cancel.

    GOSH--I thought your old RV was HUGE.. Can't believe you got a bigger one. WOW--that's awesome.

    Have a great week.

  2. Wonderful! It's great that you're able to take Madison with you. I'm glad you can enjoy your retirement this way; so many people, my mother included, failed to ever save any money and therefore can't do whatever they like.

  3. Great looking coach Larry. How nice that it will be able to hold everyone comfortably.

  4. This is a very impressive-looking coach. I hope your shake-down cruise goes well.

  5. Larry, the weather will be a changin! You have a beautiful unit there. Drive safely.

  6. Larry, Good luck with the trip planning and we're wishing you even more luck selling the old RV! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. Snow in our forecast so don't come this way! It's a beautiful coach!!! I know you will love it.

  8. Wow, that is a gorgeous ride for sure! Talk about traveling the country in style :) Sorry the trip got cancelled, but probably better to wait for warmer weather.... or you could always travel this way.. it's always warmer in Arizona :)

  9. It's too bad your trip got cancelled. We headed out in out Bigfoot RV this weekend and hung out at the beach. It was rainy. We did lots of board games & reading and a few rainy hikes with the kids.

    The new rig looks AMAZING! Inside photos please!!!

  10. Nice looking coach Larry! Too bad about your trip, but spring is so close, so traveling weather is just around the corner.

  11. Party like a rock star.... American Royal BBQ in KC would make a great road trip
    And I agree... inside photos

    Dave and Jackie

  12. For those asking about the inside, I have seen it. Trust me, it rocks. If I was Larry, I'd spend the week in the RV in his driveway! ;)

  13. Nice ride Larry! I hope you and your family enjoy many miles of happy traveling together in your beautiful RV.

  14. Wow, that's one impressive RV. Sometimes I think I'd like to sell the house and tour in one of those for a few years. Did you ever see the movie Lost In America?

  15. Wow, that's quite a ride Larry! Sorry the weather didn't work out for you, it's always so iffy until the end of March. I love Charleston at that time and also Savannah to see the gorgeous azaleas in bloom everywhere. A wonderful home and garden event is put on by the Historical Society of Charleston, it fills up months in advance. Lots of people from around the country attend. Hope you can make it before it gets so terribly hot down there.


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