
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Corned Beef Hash For Breakfast

It took a while, but we finally got around to making some hash from the St. Patrick’s Day corned beef leftovers.  Bev made the hash using frozen hash browns, onion, sweet pepper, and a little St. Maarten garlic hot sauce (her go-to sauce) by frying them in oil then adding the chopped corned beef toward the end.  Most recipes chop the meat smaller add it earlier so it can develop a crust, but it also dries it out, so we prefer our method.

I decided the eggs should be cooked in the poaching cups but one sank and I ended up with one true poached egg.   It was a delicious and a great way to begin the day – Bev prefers  lunch to breakfast fare and therefore ate a corned beef sandwich rather than hash.

She made enough hash for two meals so the next day I had it again with a little twist.  I started with a piece of good rye bread, topped it with Irish Cheddar and made cheese toast in the toaster oven.  In the meantime, I nuked the hash to reheat it and poached a couple of eggs in cups.  Assembly was cheese toast, hash, eggs, and a little more garlic hot sauce (Big Daddy Dave’s suggestion).

Both meals were delicious as should be expected from semi-homemade hash and while I enjoyed them both, I think I preferred all of the flavors in the second one.  If I have enough corned beef for one more round, I may make this same dish but use 1000 Island dressing rather than hot sauce to make it more Reuben-ish.

It’s Monday, March 25 and we’re getting light snow flurries as I type this.  The predicted temps for today/tonight are 45*/30*, while last year (when summer came too early), it was 71*/49* and the average is 64*/41*.  

Personally I prefer 2013 rather than going directly from winter to summer temps like we did last year with very little spring, but I know many of you love summer.  My favorite seasons in order are fall (the end of a long hot southern summer), spring (mild temps and nature putting on a show of color), winter (especially when we skied and I'm a kid at heart), summer (long, hot, dry days).

Photos best if enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


3/24 & 3/25/13 meal dates


  1. I love the seasons in the same order. I am such a fall girl. We've had snow twice in the last two weeks with flurries in the forecast for several more days to come. It has been so long since I had corned beef hash - but I know whatever I could find wouldn't be as good as yours. It looks terrific. Have a wonderful day!

  2. I will say that I do miss the spring/fall seasons. We get them here, but they last about 2 weeks each :) BUT, what I do not miss is the snow, so I guess I'll take the lack of two seasons to not have to endure through one!!
    The hash looks perfect... and I love both meals you made with it!!

  3. I wish I still had some corned beef in the house! Both of these meals look delicious. I LOVE the fall and spring best of all. Winter is awesome in the desert as well. Summer, well, it lasts half our year and it is most definitely NOT my favorite!

  4. I love corned beef hash, but you know the leftovers never exist here! We were threatened with snow yesterday, but it got only as far north as Philly, where my daughter got 4" of snow. Not that I'm griping, of course, but Ryan would have enjoyed a 2 hour delay.

  5. Larry, So where is Spring!! It was warmer in Chicago this morning than it was here... Snow all the way to the Chattanooga airport...but of course, it wasn't sticking. Still to cold to play golf...for normal people anyway! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  6. Oh My Gosh.... Last year, here on the plateau, we had an early spring which was wonderful --since it made spring longer... This year is the year I think we'll go straight from winter to summer.. I do have that....I love spring and love having spring begin in March.... Obviously, the areas that you and I live in are very different since you feel just the opposite... Crazy!!!!!

    I would love that corned beef hash you fixed... YUM.... What a fabulous breakfast...

    Still spitting snow here on the plateau... Been so cold... I'm ready for some sunshine and warm temps.


  7. I knew this hash was coming and it looks fantastic. My family is full of hash lovers with the exception of me though.

    Spring has indeed been crazy this year, but I agree it's better to have spring than go from winter to summer. Me - I'm a southerner and I love my summers, even with the heat. But you can keep cold weather. I never want to be cold again in my life:)

  8. From what I understand the hash is the best part of making corned beef!

  9. I would love this breakfast. Served on a good piece of rye toast is just a bonus.

    Now, that it is time for me to plant now, winter wants to hang around. I enjoy Fall and Spring too.


  10. I have been having problems with my comments going through again but today it is working so I thought I would let you know how great the corned beef hash looks. It is my husband's favorite breakfast.

  11. Last year was crazy! We're getting a slow and gradual thaw here which is a good thing.

    My husband would love that breakfast if only I'd make it for him :)

  12. You got the most out of that round of hash. Sounds like you had less snow than us, we had more than a flurry but we were leaving anyway so I didn't mind.


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