
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Comment Responding - THE RESULTS ARE IN

After hearing from many of my regular commenters, it seems that the follow up visits to read my responses to comments are a very low percentage, so I believe a change is in order.  My new plan is as follows for the comments left by you:
When a question is ask I'll respond via email or if I think others will be interested in my response, I will leave a response in the comments section and send the asker an email.
When a comment is made that I want to respond to, I'll do it via email - it's not like I get hundreds of comments per day :-)
If I don't have access to your email, I'll leave a comment on your blog.
Thanks so much for your candid response to my question.  Larry
Hi Readers - For the last several months, I've been responding to your comments and my blog says that I do - now I need a little info to help decide if I want to continue this in the future.  Please comment and let me know if you go back to read my responses with an often, usually, or rarely.  If it's rarely, it won't hurt my feelings.

Thanks .  Larry


  1. you have mentioned nice picture of recipes so that i love them thanks for sharing me

  2. I love your blog and your travels and your recipes...buti rarely comment...don't stop blogging though!

  3. I would say that I go back and read them about 60% of the time.... I tend to get caught up in the new posts and forget to go back and look at the old ones. Though, as a fellow blogger, I do appreciate that you comment on all comments... that can be a large task at times :)

  4. Larry, are you referring to responses sent via email or as a push? If so, I have not gotten any and as for responding on the comment form itself as Jenn suggests, no, I rarely do go back and revisit a post unless I need reference (which I have many times on a few of yours, esp your chili powder). I must say the last several months work (my paying joy and the latest cookbook) has kept me from my many friends and their going-ons and I have truly missed visiting all of you as often as I would have liked, hopefully, I should be getting back to normal.

  5. I enjoy responses to my comments, but I often forget to go back and look for them. On my blog, I mainly respond by email if the commentor's email is available.

  6. I know it wasn't a choice but I pick occasionally. I usually go back and read your responses when I come back to check for new posts. I don't make a special trip later in the same day - hope that helps. Also - please email me your full name and address - you won my giveaway!

  7. I do occasionally but I am like Jenn, I usually forget to go back and look at the responses.

  8. Hey Larry! You know, I very rarely go back to old comments that I have left on another site. I do find that some readers do come back after commenting my site, but it's usually when they have asked a very specific question about a recipe, so they do come back to check for a response. Even though I realize that a large percentage of folks who comment on my site don't come back to read responses, I still do respond, even if it's only to say thank you. :)

  9. I rarely go back unless I've left a question. Then I do check back. Hope that helps.

  10. Larry, I check them once in awhile, but generally not. I do respond to comments on my blog when it seems appropriate to do so or if there is a question. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  11. On most blogs there is an option at the bottom of the comment form for the reader to check off if they want the follow up comments emailed to them. I check that box and then receive all subsequent comments in my inbox.

  12. I check your responses about 50% of the time.

  13. NEVER.... (Sorry!) I just have too many blogs to visit to go back to any of them. I'd rather have emails--which I do check constantly.

    I don't check that box to receive comments via email --or else, I'll get your comments to everyone on your blog post... Don't want that either... Too bad that Blogger doesn't allow the option to receive only your comments... That's why I really enjoy Facebook... I can get comment replies via email... Oh WEll.

  14. I check back sometimes. Often, I just don't have time. I figure you can always email me if it's urgent.

  15. Larry, if I ask a question, then I will go back to see if it was answered. But With an ordinary comment, I don't usually check back. I do the same for all the blogs that I read.
    I have been absent from blog reading lately, so I'm trying to get back in the groove. Looking forward to your posts!

  16. I very rarely remember to go back and check for replies to comments I leave. I seem to have trouble getting around to blogs the first time.

  17. I occasionally go back if I remember to do it. I enjoy your comments, Larry, but often forget about looking back.

  18. Yes, I never remember to go back to read answers to my questions.

  19. It sounds like you've found an approach you are comfortable with, Larry. If it works for you, it works for us. Best to Bev. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  20. Perfect solution Larry. So nice when a plan works out.

  21. I think most folks rely on things like RSS feeds to remember to check on things. I wish blogger had the option for "notify me on replies to my comment" like some formats do!


I appreciate and enjoy your comments