
Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Stroll Around The Grounds And Its Still Technically Winter

It was around 80* here most of last week and I can’t believe we’re having May in March.  I walked around the ranch the other day and snapped a few pictures.  The camellia has the most blooms ever.

On Thursday, Bev and I planted our brassica and lettuce transplants along with potatoes and some beets.  I can’t believe it was so hot doing this work in mid-March.  This is some of them ready to plant.

Some begonias ready to leave the greenhouse.

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

Two years ago:  Pork Tenderloin Parmesan



  1. I would love to be there strolling your lovely gardens with you and Bev. I grew up in the south and camellias and daffodils are in my blood.

  2. Isn't this weather wonderful! Loved your beautiful landscape.

  3. We were in the 70's all week, it was so warm that the 3 ft. snow drifts in my yard have all but melted. Amazing. Love the new header shot, glad to see the snow on your blog has also given way to spring. Did you plant the begonias by seed?

  4. I loved seeing all that is in bloom in your garden. Our pear and plum trees are in bloom and the early daffodils are up. Trouble is we are experiencing some really foul weather. High wind, rain, snow and hail all within a six hour period. I hope folks who live near our rivers are preparing for more flooding. I don't know how they will escape it. At any rate, enjoy your sunshine. Your were having some difficulty with the pronunciation of the Korean dish. It's bee-bim-bop. Have a great day, Larry. Blessings...Mary

  5. It has been a mild winter and Spring has arrived early (too early). So glad you have the started. Look forward to the new garden posts.

    We are in the process of finishing up our spring/summer plantings, and excited about another growing season.


  6. Larry, Nice photos. Love the replacement shot for your wintertime intro blog picture! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. Your ranch is BEAUTIFUL right now! I love all the blooms and the color that is starting to appear. Your camellia is stunning.

  8. Isn't it unbelievable that we are having SUMMER and it's not even officially spring yet???? I am posting some yard flower pictures in tomorrow's blog. They are so pretty--just like yours...

    Have a great week.

  9. We're having summer-like temperatures up here on the Plateau as well. Our roses are growing so fast that I'm having trouble getting them pruned.

  10. You are so lucky! We had rain, rain, and more rain last week. Enjoy your flowers and sunshine!

  11. Wow, your flowers are gorgeous. I may have my daffodils opening in another few days. We have had 70 degree days lately...certainly not our spring weather.

  12. Spring for Winter, and now Summer for Spring...I'm worried about this Summer, lol.

  13. I am pea green with envy over your camellias! Before moving into the deer-laden countryside, we had camellias that I just adored! After planting 3 nice sized camellias at a $150 cost, and having the deer dine on them in one season alone, we decided that we'd rather go out for a fine dining experience rather than giving one to the deer. Alas, no more camellias!

    Did you plant beets from plants or seeds? I've never seen beet plants and am doubly pea green with envy if you found some! Our lettuce sprouted so early this year that it seems insane!


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