
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Canadian Bacon

As you may recall, I’ve been trying to use up the stuff we have in the freezer and especially pork loin.  Bev then reminded me that we hadn’t had Canadian Bacon for a while and suggested we use a couple of the loin pieces for some.  I've posted this before and again used the dry cure method so for each pound of meat, I used:

1 tbsp. of Morton’s Tenderquick
1 tsp. of Turbinado sugar
1 tsp. of garlic powder
1 tsp. of onion powder 

I forgot about them and ended up curing it for eight days rather than the usual six, but it was still fine.  I washed off the outside and soaked in cold water for about 30 minutes.

The first use of it was a breakfast Bev whipped up for us - she got a little heavy with the pepper shaker.

At this point, it just tasted like brined pork loin so I gave it my usual smoking process in a 200* smoker to an internal temperature of 145*.  One of them was smoked plain and the other one was given a light coat of Head Country Championship Seasoning.

This was breakfast the next day - I scuffed up one of the eggs getting them out of the pan.

For me, smoking the cured loin is crucial for the flavor I want and I preferred the one with a little rub on it.  The next ones I do will be wet curred with more flavors added to the brine.

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

One year ago:  It’s Pasta Time – Tortellini

Two years ago:  A Taste Test With Flounder And Crab


3/12/12  meal date


  1. I honestly don't think scuffed eggs taste the same as un-scuffed. Probably just me. :)

  2. I need to do this to some pork loin I have way back in the freezer... been looking for a way to use it for a while now! Thanks, Larry!!

  3. What a great idea! I bet that is some of the best canadian bacon ever! Smoking it is a great idea, what a flavor, too!

  4. This is a perfect looking breakfast Larry, scruffed egg and all. I'm especially good at messing up eggs when I cook them; at least they still taste good.

  5. Larry, A couple more nice breakfasts! I'm just generally too lazy to cook in the morning and I usually cook too much when I do get around to it. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  6. Your Canadian bacon looks great. I had a smoker years ago and keep thinking I should get a new one.

  7. Larry this is wonderful! Yum I need breakfast now :) The eggs are lovely and the Canadian bacon fantastic!

  8. I'm so impressed that you make your own Canadian bacon! Another great breakfast at your table.

  9. Good Canadian bacon is such a treat. Making your own is the way to do it! Perfect with those scuffed eggs.

  10. This looks great. I am Canadian and haven't had 'Canadian bacon' or what we call 'back bacon' in a long time. I don't have a smoker so can't try it yet. I was in East Tennessee for 5 months a couple of years ago and loved it. Maryville area.

  11. Smoking that ham had to have really made it taste MUCH better. Great idea... Looks terrific...

    Enjoy this spring weather. We aren't doing too much this week since we came home from West VA with colds.

  12. This is a delicious-looking breakfast. I wouldn't mind having this in the morning.

  13. Breakfast is my favorite meal!!..and thanks for the inspirations.

  14. That is one thing I still have to try. Does it freeze well or do you just do small enough batches where you'll eat it all? I guess it holds for quite a while with the cure and smoke.


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