
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pan Fried Crappie

For some reason, I’ve really wanted some pan fried fish lately – I’m pretty sure it’s not male menopause or pregnancy.  I thought the urge wound be satisfied when I ordered fried catfish at The Partridge & Pear during our Gatlinburg trip, and while it was good, it was deep fried and the urge remained.

Then along came Mary’s post for Pan Fried Catfish with Lemon and Garlic on her One Perfect Bite blog and my urge turned to a near craving.  The next day I went freezer diving and found a small package of crappie – my desire was for pan fried fish and the variety didn’t matter to me.

I considered using Mary’s recipe but it was late, I was hungry, and didn’t want to wait the hour for it to marinate.  I went easy peasy instead by seasoning the fish with Old Bay, salt, and pepper, then breading with flour – egg wash – cornmeal (I couldn’t find the yellow).  I fried it in olive oil with a little butter.

This is my plate with the back two pieces being the appetizer, the next two my side dish, the next three the entrée, and the final two for dessert (Bev was still in G'burg).

Craving satisfied.  Life is good.

For you blonds out there:
A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. 

She says, 'What's the story?'

He replies, 'Just crap in the carburetor'

She asks, 'How often do I have to do that?

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

One year ago: The Power Shopper Is Home

Two years ago:  Mama's Lasagna  I encourage you to have a look at this one


2/15/12 meal date


  1. Male meno or pregnancy???? Too funny! Probably not, there's no pickle or corvette involved. I had to chuckle more at your variety for your three course dinner!

  2. I'm with Lea Ann.. I love how you broke them up into three courses! Looks wonderful! I love pan fried fish... I could seriously eat it every day!

  3. That fish sounds delicious!

    And I'm so glad i'm not a blonde anymore after reading that. :P

  4. When does man menopause start? I think I know someone who has it! Love the blonde joke too. Your comment about being trashy on the side made me laugh so hard. I am not only trashy on the side, my entire house, garage, and yard is trashy! Too bad it's not the kind of trashy guys like!! One day I will be perfectly organized!

  5. The only way to really get over a craving is to give into it. Fried food does that to me once in a while too, and it's usally fried chicken that temps me. Love your 3 course fried fish meal! :)

  6. I like corn meal with fish... this looks perfectly cooked to me. I bet it would be good with an over easy egg on top too! :-)

  7. lol That does it Larry... I'm freezer diving today. Love the looks of your fish.
    Thanks for the post! :)

  8. It looks like a well-rounded meal to me. YUM! Thank goodness I've got dark roots to prove I'm not a natural blonde.

  9. Your fish sounds good... I have been on a fish-kick since Fall... I never used to care that much for fish--but can't seem to get enough of it these days...

    Have a great day... Love your joke!!!!!

  10. Your fish looks delicious. I'm glad you had enough for a full-course meal.

    Since my blonde wife has already commented on this post, I guess it's safe to say I got a chuckle from your blonde story.

  11. We used to catch crappie in the lake...sure miss those meals. Yours looks great!

  12. Larry, Now I'm jealous! Pan fried crappie are just about impossible to beat... They look great! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  13. When you have a craving, substitutes just won't do, do they?

    I remember when cars had carburetors:)


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