
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shrimp & Spinach Omelet

We had a small bowl of the shrimp/spinach mixture left from our ravioli dinner and, as usual, I used it for other meals.  For the first one, I stirred it into potato soup and for the second it was scrambled eggs, both of which worked well.  For the last of it, I made the breakfast meal I’d envisioned originally – an omelet.

I whipped up two eggs with a little cream and cooked them in a pan with a lid until set – I wish I could do that flip in the pan thing like the pros do.  Then I added the shrimp mix to one side, slide it out of the skillet and folded it as I did – I can at least do that part.

I topped it with some reheated Vodka Sauce left from the same meal and sided it with a slice of toasted homemade bread.

Like pizza dough and pasta, I think of eggs as a canvas to build on – as if you didn’t know – and this was as good or better than the original ravioli and a whole lot easier.

News comes to me via my Yahoo web page and this headline cracked me up - "Secret Service: Man detained at Bush home had gun" - because is there anyone in Texas who doesn't have a gun in their car.

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

One year ago: Chicken Saltimbocca


01/19/2012 meal date


  1. I can't flip an omelet either Larry, but Meakin does a great job. He's braver than I am.

  2. I have to agree with you, eggs are definitely a canvas... you can dress them up in so many different and delicious ways.... at least you can, that's for sure!!! :)

  3. You are a master with leftovers. I can never think outside of the box.

  4. I'm a mess with an omelet. You are definitely a breakfast artist with your "egg canvas". Great job, Larry!

  5. Since we have omelets most every Saturday, we finally broke down and bought an omelet pan... That helps ALOT... ha

    Yours looks GREAT...

  6. Larry, Once again, your fertile immagination has stretched the limits...who would have thought "Add Vodka Sauce to the omelet"?! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. Your leftovers are better than the planned entrees of many folks. I really like the combinations you used here. This sounds delicious. Have a great day, Larry. Blessings...Mary

  8. I can flip the omelet with no problem. The CATCHING it after the flip is the problem, ha ha.


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